The Sizing control sets:
The element size for a selected body, face, or edge.
The number of divisions along an edge.
The element size within a user-defined "sphere of influence" that can include a selected body, face, edge, or vertex. This control is recommended for local mesh sizing. The control must also be attached to a coordinate system if it is to be scoped to anything other than a vertex.
The element size within a user-defined "body of influence." The body of influence will influence the mesh of the body to which it is scoped, but the body of influence itself will not be meshed.
The scale factor for a selected body, face, or edge. The scale factor enables you to define the local element, minimum, and defeature sizes as factors of the global element size.
The minimum mesh sizing used for a selected body, face, or edge. This setting overrides the default global sizing.
The Sizing control is described in the following sections: