Results and Result Tools (Group)

Defines the engineering output for displaying and analyzing the results from a solution.

Applies to the following objects:



Bending Stress, Bolt Tool, Campbell Diagram, Directional Acceleration, Damage Results, Directional Deformation, Directional Velocity, Elastic Strain Intensity, Energy Dissipated Per Unit Volume, Equivalent Creep Strain, Equivalent Plastic Strain, Equivalent Stress, Equivalent Total Strain, Fiber Compressive Damage Variable, Fiber Compressive Failure Criterion, Fiber Tensile Damage Variable, Fiber Tensile Failure Criterion, Frequency Response, Linearized Stresses, Max Failure Criteria, Matrix Compressive Damage Variable, Matrix Compressive Failure Criterion, Matrix Tensile Damage Variable, Matrix Tensile Failure Criterion, Maximum Principal Elastic Strain, Maximum Principal Stress, Maximum Shear Elastic Strain, Maximum Shear Stress, Membrane Stress, Middle Principal Elastic Strain, Middle Principal Stress, Minimum Principal Elastic Strain, Minimum Principal Stress, Mullins Damage Variable, Mullins Max Previous Strain Energy, Normal Elastic Strain, Normal Gasket Pressure, Normal Gasket Total Closure, Normal Stress, Phase Response, Shear Damage Variable, Shear Elastic Strain, Shear Gasket Pressure, Shear Gasket Total Closure, Shear Stress, Strain Energy, Stress Intensity, Structural Error, Thermal Strain, Total Acceleration, Total Deformation, Total Velocity, Vector Principal Elastic Strain, Vector Principal Stress, and Waterfall Diagrams.

Structural Beams

Axial Force, Beam Tool, Bending Moment, Direct Stress, Maximum Bending Stress, Maximum Combined Stress, Minimum Bending Stress, Minimum Combined Stress, Shear Force, Shear-Moment Diagram, and Torsional Moment.


Directional Heat Flux, Temperature, Thermal Error, Total Heat Flux, Fluid Flow Rate, and Fluid Heat Conduction Rate.


Current Density, Directional Field Intensity, Directional Flux Density, Directional Force, Electric Potential, Flux Linkage, Inductance, Magnetic Error, Total Field Intensity, Total Flux Density, and Total Force.


Directional Current Density, Directional Electric Field Intensity, Electric Voltage, Joule Heat, Total Current Density, and Total Electric Field Intensity.


Coordinate Systems Results (group), User Defined Result, User Defined Criteria, and Volume.

Structural Optimization

Topology Density and Topology Elemental Density.


Acoustics Contour Results

Pressure, Total Velocity, Directional Velocity, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Sound Pressure, A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level, Frequency Band SPL, and A-Weighted Frequency Band SPL.

Acoustics Far-field

Far-field SPL, Far-field A-Weighted SPL, Far-field Maximum Pressure, Far-field Phase, Far-field Directivity, Far-field Maximum Scattered Pressure, Far-field Target Strength, and Far-field Sound Power Level.

Acoustic Frequency Response

Pressure, Total Velocity, Directional Velocity, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Sound Pressure Level, and A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level.

Acoustic Power Loss Results

Transmission Loss, Return Loss, and Absorption Coefficient.

Acoustic Diffuse Sound Transmission Loss

Diffuse Sounds Transmission Loss

Object Properties

The Details Pane properties for this object may include the following.

The following applies to many result objects whose direct parent object is Solution. Many exceptions are noted. For more complete information check individual descriptions for all results and result tools.


Panel Contribution

Panel Contribution: This property enables you to visually compare the results of one or more solid bodies as a mosaic chart. You use this feature to create a "panel" for each body included in your model. However, you can only scope the supported result to the faces of a body, using either geometry or Named Selection. Using these faces, the application calculates results for each panel (body) included in the face-based scoping. Options include No (default) and Yes.


Scoping Method: Property options include Geometry Selection, Named Selection, Path, Surface, Result File Item, or Surface Coating.

The application displays one of the following associated properties based on your Scoping Method selection:


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Geometry. Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.

Named Selection

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Named Selection. Specify named selection.


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Path. Select a defined path from the drop-down list.


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Surface. Select a defined surface from the drop-down list.

Item Type

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Result File Item. The options include:

  • Material IDs

  • Element Name IDs

  • Element Type IDs

  • Component Name

  • Element IDs

  • Node IDs

The values associated with the above options are generated and displayed in the Worksheet. Refer to the Result File Item section for additional information.

Solver Component IDs

Displays if the Item Type property is set to Materials IDs, Element Name IDs, Element Type IDs, Element IDs, or Node IDs.

The default value is All for the Materials IDs, Element Name IDs, and Element Type IDs options.

For the Materials IDs and Element Type IDs options, you can also enter a number or a number range (that is, 1, 2, 3, or 2-5).

For Element Name IDs, you can also enter an element name, such as BEAM188, or, you can enter a group label, such as "Beam", to include all beam element types.

For the Element IDs and Node IDs options, you make comma separated entries of individual elements or nodes, or range entries by using a dash, and/or a combination of the two.

See the Result File Item section of the Help for additional information.

Global IDs

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Result File Item. This property is used to scope results to bodies that have the Model Type property set to Reinforcement. This property is not applicable to bodies with any other Model Type setting. The application assigns a global ID to each body contained under the Geometry object, in the order that they are listed. That is, the first body in the tree has a global ID of 1 and so on in descending order for each object. As a result, you must determine the global ID of your reinforcement bodies based on their position in the tree. The default setting for the Global IDs property is All. You can enter an individual ID, or a range of IDs based on the number of reinforcement bodies. The default setting for this property is All.

Component Name

Displays if the Item Type property is set to Component Name. Specify a Component Name as listed in the Solver Component Names table of the Worksheet. See the Result File Item section of the Help.

Note:  This is the only available option for an analysis that includes a Condensed Part.

Surface Coating

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Surface Coating. This property provides a drop-down menu of available surface coatings. The default setting for this property is All.

Sub Scope By: Options include:

  • Layer: Specifies the layer to calculate Shell result values. If selected, a Layer property also displays that requires you to specify a Layer number.

  • Ply: If selected, a Ply property also displays that requires you to select a target ply from the Modeling Ply object in the tree. The result calculation uses the intersection of the specified Ply and the Geometry property scoping.

Position: Displays only for stress and strain results scoped to surface bodies, to a layer (which may include a layer or ply of a solid body), or a Line Coating created by the Pull feature. Options include: Top/Bottom, Top, Middle, and Bottom.

Note:  Because Line Coatings use a shell element that display as lines, the Top/Bottom option only displays Bottom option results. The application generates a message when this occurs.

Load Step Number (Mode ContributionFrequency Response Results Only): Select a desired load step number. The default setting is 1. Supported entries are based on the value of the Number of Steps property (Analysis Settings > Step Controls).


Type: Displays the type of result you have inserted into the tree, for example, Total Deformation. This property often provides a drop-down menu that enables you to change your selection within the same result category. That is, you can change between any of the supported results of the Stress result category. For some result types, this property is a read-only indication of the given result.

Subtype: Only displays for the Fracture Results SIFS, VCCT, and Material Force.

Response Type: Appears for Random Vibration and Response Spectrum analyses only and is only available for User Defined results. Options include Displacement (default), Velocity, Acceleration, and Other Result.

Input Port: Provides a drop-down menu of available ports.

Output Port: Only available for the Transmission Loss result. Select the desired port from the drop-down menu of available ports.

Location Method: The Location Method property is available for the Force Reaction option (which is the same as the Force Reaction probe) of Frequency Response results. This property is used to specify the chosen extracted use method to frequency response results. Options include Boundary Condition (default), Contact Region, Remote Points, Spring, and Beam. Based upon your selection, one of the following corresponding properties display:

Boundary Condition: Provides a drop-down list of available boundary conditions to scope the result.
Contact Region: Provides a drop-down list of available contact regions.
Remote Points: Provides a drop-down list of available remote points.
Spring: Provides a drop-down list of available body-ground springs.
Beam: Provides a drop-down list of available body-ground beams.

Extraction: Only displayed for a Frequency Response (Force Reaction) result when the Location Method is set to Contact Region. Options include: Contact (Underlying Element) and Target (Underlying Element).

Orientation: Appears only for: Axial Force, Directional Deformation, Directional Field Intensity, Direction Flux Density, Directional Force, Directional Heat Flux, Normal Elastic Strain, Normal Stress, Shear Elastic Strain, Shear Stress, Torsional Moment, Shell Membrane Stress, and Shell Bending Stress.

For Frequency Response results, this property is used to specify the Orientation in which results are to be extracted. Options include X Axis (default), Y Axis, and Z Axis.

Expression: Displays for User Defined Result only.

Input Unit System: Displays for User Defined Result only.

Output Unit: Displays for User Defined Result only.

Coordinate System: Displays for results that change with respect to a coordinate system, such as Normal Stress. For these result types, you accept the default setting, Global Coordinate System, or you can select a local coordinate system that you have defined, or select Solution Coordinate System. When the Sub Scope By property is set to Ply, this property defaults to the Fiber Coordinate System option.

  • The Fiber Coordinate System setting, when a result is scoped to a ply, supports the Mechanical APDL Solver only. In addition, this setting executes the same coordinate system commands as the Solution Coordinate System setting.

  • If a result changes with respect to coordinate systems, then Mechanical rotates this result in an identical fashion to Mechanical APDL. For an explanation of rotating results to a different coordinate system, see the Additional POST1 Postprocessing section in the Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide.

Sector Number: Available for an analysis that includes Non-Cyclic Loading.

By: Enables you to specify a value (time, frequency, maximum value) for an independent variable for which you would like a contour result. The options vary based on the type of analysis. See the Multiple Result Sets section for more information.

Note:  This property is not available for the Far-field Sound Power Level, Frequency Band SPL, and A-Weighted Frequency Band SPL results.

Display Time: Appears if By is set to Time. (See Note below.)

Frequency: Appears if By is set to Frequency. (See Note below.)

Set Number: Appears if By is set to Result Set.

Separate Data by Entity: This property enables you to display individual Minimum and Maximum values for each entity scoped to a result, such as 2 bodies, 3 Faces, 5 elements, etc. The application then displays these individual result values (only, no global values display) in the Tabular Data window.

Zero Through-Thickness Bending Stress: Available for Linearized Stress results for 3D analyses only. The options for this property include No (default) and Yes. If you selecting the Yes for this property, the application sets the following bending stress components to zero: SX, SXY, SXZ.

Mode: Appears for Modal analyses.

Calculate Time History: Appears if By is set to Time or Result Set.

Identifier: Available for all result types. It enables you to specify a unique name/symbol/character that you can then use in the Expression property of a User Defined Result.

Sphere Radius: Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses, except for the Far-Field Sound Power Level result.

Reference RMS Sound Pressure: Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses, except for the Far-Field Sound Power Level result. The default value is 2e-5 Pa.

Reference Sound Power Level: Appears for Far-field Sound Power Level result. Defaults to 1e-12 W.

Amplitude: Appears for contour results in a Harmonic Response Analysis only. Options include Yes or No (default). When the Amplitude property is set to Yes, the amplitude contour result is displayed with respect to the Solution Coordinate System. This property is not supported for Vector principal stress and strain results.

Sweeping Phase:

  • For a Harmonic Response Analysis, this property appears only for contour results when the Amplitude property is set to No and the By property is set to Frequency, Set, Maximum Over Frequency, or Frequency of Maximum.

  • For Damped Modal analysis, this property always appears for contour results and for probe results when the By property is set to Mode, Maximum Over Modes, or Mode of Maximum.

Phase Increment: Appears if the By property is set to Maximum Over Phase or Phase of Maximum. The entry can be between 1° and 10°. The default value is 10°.

Scale Factor: Appears only for Random Vibration Analysis. Options include 1 Sigma (default), 2 Sigma, 3 Sigma, and User Input.

Scale Factor Value: Appears when you set the Scale Factor property to User Input. The default value is 1.

Probability: Read-only property that appears only for Random Vibration Analysis. Presents a probability value corresponding to each sigma value.

Contour Start: Displays for Fracture Results only.

Contour End: Displays for Fracture Results only.

Active Contour: Displays for Fracture Results only.

Suppressed: Suppresses the object if set to Yes.

If you specify a Display Time or Frequency value that exceeds the final time or frequency in the result file, then Mechanical will not allow the result to be evaluated.
If you specify a Display Time or Frequency value for which no results are available, then Mechanical performs a linear interpolation to calculate the results at that specified time. The two times or frequencies in the result file that are the closest to the specified time/frequency are used in the interpolation. Note that the application does not perform the interpolation for a display time before the first result set.
No interpolation is performed for the Define a Fracture Tool results. That is, for Fracture Results with a Display Time between the two solution time points, only the data set associated with the lower of the solution time points is used.

Short Time Fourier Transform Controls (only for Velocity and Acceleration Waterfall Diagrams from a Motion analysis)

Use the properties under Short Time Fourier Transform Controls to set the parameters for the STFT used to create the waterfall diagram.

Start Time : Sets the start time for the interval on which the STFT will be applied.

End Time : Sets the end time for the interval on which STFT will be applied (must be greater than Start Time and less than or equal to the end time specified in the analysis settings, which is also the default value).

Cutoff Frequency : Determines the maximum x-axis frequency. Selecting the Program Controlled option will use a frequency of (2 * Output Step) / (End Time - Start Time), where Output Step is defined under the Analysis Settings.

Minimum Frequency Resolution : Determines for the STFT (must be less than the Cutoff Frequency). Selecting the Program Controlled option will use a value of Cutoff Frequency / 50.

Number of Slices : Determines the number of points on the y-axis. Selecting the Program Controlled option will use a value of 50.

Overlap : Sets the percentage overlap for the STFT slices (must be between 0 and 100). Selecting the Program Controlled option by entering 100 will use a value of 50%.

Window Type : Selects the window type used to reduce spectral leakage when performing the STFT. Available options are Rectangular, Triangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming (default), Welch, and Blackman.

Chart and Tabular Data (Waterfall/Contribution/Frequency Response Results Only)

Use the properties of the Chart and Tabular Data category to filter data (Frequency/RPM/Order) as well as to plot the data displayed in the Worksheet and the Graph and Tabular Data windows.

Display Panel

Use this property to view the mosaic chart referencing the panel contribution. Options include Yes and No (default).

Panels to Display

Select the number of panels you want to display. The default option is set to All. Otherwise, enter a value for the number of desired panels to display. A value other than All displays the number of panels based on your entry. To reset the property to All, enter zero (0).

Modes to Display (Mode Contribution Only)

Use this entry property to further filter graph and tabular data using a single mode value, multiple mode values, or a range of mode values. The default value is 5. The number of available modes is determined by the setting of the Max Modes to Find property in the Analysis Settings. For property entries, you can enter multiple values, separated by a comma (12, 16, 24) as well as range values separated by a hyphen (28-40), or a combination of entries, such as 12, 16, 24, 28-40.

Show Text on Mosaic

Display the result values of each frequency for the panels. Options include No (default) and Yes.

Display Order

Use this property to filter graph and tabular data order for given RPM values. Options include Yes and No (default). When set to No, the application displays result data by Frequency plotted in a line chart. When set to Yes, the application displays result data by Order plotted in a bar chart. In addition, the Tabular Data window displays additional rows for the total values of each RPM.

Note:  You cannot use this property in combination with the Display Panel option.

Top Orders

This property displays when you set the Display Order property is set to Yes to filter graph and tabular data by Order. Use this property to display the "top" order values. That is, it displays those orders that most affect the result based on total values. Top orders display in descending sequence. The default setting is All (entry of 0). The property supports integer value entries, for example, 5, for the top five orders.

Filter By

Use this property to specify whether to filter the result data in the Graph and Tabular Data windows by Frequency, RPM, Order, Mode, or Time. Available options vary based on the specified result.

Frequency/Frequency Filter

Use this entry property to further filter graph and tabular data by frequency value. The frequency value displays the selected unit system, however, in order to reflect a change to the unit system in a resumed model, you must manually re-enter or update the value.


Use this entry property to further filter graph the tabular data using a single RPM value, multiple values, or a range of RPM values. When entering multiple values, you can separate the entries by a decimal point, a comma (5.5, 10, 20), or enter a range of values separated by a hyphen (5.5-20.5), or you can enter a combination of individual and range entries, such as 5.5, 10, 30-40. The entry value also displays the unit in the selected system, however, in order to reflect a change to the unit system, you must manually re-enter or update the value(s). Legacy systems require you to do this in order to display the associated unit for the property.

Note:  RPM entries have the following requirements/limitations:

  • Only supports a decimal separator (.) for fractional entries, regardless of location.

  • Does not support scientific notation, such as 1.2E5.

  • Does not support unit conversions.


This is an entry property to further filter graph and tabular data using a single Order value, multiple values, or a range of Order values. For Order property entries, you can enter multiple values, separated by a comma (12, 16, 24) as well as range values separated by a hyphen (28-40), or a combination of entries, such as 12, 16, 24, 28-40.

Note:  For each order value you enter, the application includes all values within a decimal range of ±0.5 in the Graph and Tabular Data windows. For example, for the entry, 5,10 the selected order range is 4.5-5.5 and 9.5-10.5.

Bodies to Display (Energy Contribution Only)

Select the number of bodies you want to display. The default option is set to The default value is 5. To set the property to All, enter zero (0). The application displays the bodies that have the highest peak value (the maximum value of a row). For the mosaic chart, the bottom row represents the highest values and for the tabular data, the highest values are in the first row or rows.

Mode (Energy Contribution Only)

This is an entry property to further filter graph and tabular data using a single mode value, multiple mode values, or a range of mode values. The number of available modes is determined by the setting of the Max Modes to Find property in the Analysis Settings. For property entries, you can enter multiple values, separated by a comma (12, 16, 24) as well as range values separated by a hyphen (28-40), or a combination of entries, such as 12, 16, 24, 28-40.


This property is available for the Velocity and Acceleration waterfall diagram results during a Motion analysis when you select the Time option of the Filter By property. Enter time values to further filter graph the tabular data.

Waterfall Data

Show Zoom Pan Control: Display/hide the zoom feature in the worksheet. Options include Yes (default) and No.

Interpolate Data: Display actual values only (no interpolated values) on the diagram. Options include No (default) and Yes.

Scope to Order Lines: Display the values included in the order lines only. Options include No (default) and Yes.

Lower Band and Upper Band: The values displayed in these properties are calculated during the solution. Once available, you can manually specify a value for the lower or upper contour band to redistribute (in equal increments) the display. This can be beneficial when you have groupings of result data points at one end of the color assignment.

Minimum/Maximum X Axis: The application calculates these values during the solution and automatically plots the minimum and maximum values for the X Axis on the diagram’s graph and only displays values within this range. You can modify this range by manually entering frequency values presented on the diagram or in the associated result column of the Tabular Data window.

Minimum/Maximum Y Axis: The application calculates these values during the solution and automatically plots the minimum and maximum values for the Y Axis on the diagram’s graph and only displays values within this range. You can modify this range by manually entering RPM values presented on the diagram or in the associated result column of the Tabular Data window.


The Options category is only present for the Acoustic Power Loss and Frequency Response and Phase Response result types.

Frequency Response

For the Frequency Response result type the properties include the following:

  • Frequency Range: Options include Use Parent (default) or Specified. The Use Parent setting automatically sets the values of the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Frequency properties equal to the Range Minimum and Range Maximum properties in the Options category of the Analysis Settings. The Specified setting enables you to manually specify the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Frequency property values.

  • Minimum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified, otherwise, it is read-only.

  • Maximum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified, otherwise, it is read-only.

  • Display: Options include.

    • Real

    • Imaginary

    • Real and Imaginary

    • Amplitude

    • Phase Angle

    • Bode (default setting - plots both Amplitude and Phase Angle)

  • Chart Viewing Style: Select from the following options to select a scale to plot results.

    • Linear: Plots the result values linearly.

    • Log X: Plots the X-Axis logarithmically. If negative axis values or a zero value exists, this option is not supported and the graph plots linearly.

    • Log Y (default when graph has Amplitude): Plots the Y-Axis is plotted logarithmically. If negative axis values or a zero value exists, this option is not supported and the graph plots linearly.

    • Log-Log: Plots the X-Axis and Y-Axis logarithmically. If negative axis values or a zero value exists, this option is not supported and the graph plots linearly.

Phase Response

For the Phase Response result type, the properties include the following:

  • Frequency: Input frequency at which Phase Response is requested.

  • Duration: Phase period over which response is requested. The default setting is 720°.

Acoustic Power Loss Results

For the Power Loss result types, the properties include the following:

  • Frequency Range: Options include Use Parent (default) or Specified. The Use Parent setting automatically sets the values of the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Frequency properties equal to the Range Minimum and Range Maximum properties in the Options category of the Analysis Settings. The Specified setting enables you to manually specify the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Frequency property values.

  • Minimum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified, otherwise, it is read-only.

  • Maximum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified, otherwise, it is read-only.

Integration Point Results

Display Option: Appears only for result items that can display unaveraged contour results.

Average Across Bodies: When you select Averaged as the Display Option, this property displays. Setting this property to Yes (the default value is No) averages results across separate bodies.

Results: Read-only status indication of result object.

Minimum: Not available for Vector Principal Stress.

Maximum: Not available for Vector Principal Stress.

Average: Not available for Vector Principal Stress. This value is displayed for all results when the Minimum and Maximum values are available, otherwise, the Total result value is provided. This value is an arithmetic mean.

Total: Displays the sum of the result. This result is only available for results that have the unit type: Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Force, Moment, Energy or Heat Rate This value is not available if the Average (above) is reported. This Total value is an arithmetic sum.

Minimum Occurs On: Not available for Current Density, Electric Potential, Strain Energy, and Vector Principal Stress.

Maximum Occurs On: Not available for Current Density, Electric Potential, Strain Energy, and Vector Principal Stress.

The following read-only properties display for Frequency Response results:

  • Maximum Amplitude: Reports maximum amplitude from all the result sets.

  • Frequency: Reports frequency at which maximum amplitude occurs.

  • Phase Angle: Reports phase angle at which maximum amplitude occurs.

  • Real: Reports real value at which maximum amplitude occurs.

  • Imaginary: Reports imaginary value at which maximum amplitude occurs.

Maximum Value Over Time

Provides read-only properties that display maximum values of the results you select over time. These properties are only applicable for static, transient, and explicit analyses.

Minimum Value Over Time

Provides read-only properties that display minimum values of the results you select over time. These properties are only applicable for static, transient, and explicit analyses.

Tabular and Graph Display

Crack Selection (Fracture Results Only): This property only displays when the Crack Selection Mode property of the Fracture Tool object is set to All Cracks.

Crack Front Number (Fracture Results Only): This property only displays when the Crack Selection Mode property of the Fracture Tool is set to All Cracks. It enables you to plot graph and tabular data for all crack fronts or for a single specified crack front for the crack selected in the above Crack Selection property. Options include All Crack Fronts (default), which is equal to setting the property to zero (0) or you can enter a specific Crack Front Number (contained in the Details of the crack front named selection object) to evaluate results for that crack front only.

Information: Read-only status indication of time stepping.


Load Step


Iteration Number

Reported Frequency (Harmonic Response analysis only)

Acoustics Result Categories

The following Details view categories and properties apply to acoustics results only.


Phi Angle (from X-Axis to Y-Axis)

Start: Starting Angle Phi. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

End: Ending Angle Phi. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

No. of Divisions: Number of Divisions in Phi direction. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 1.

Theta Angle (from Z-Axis to X-Axis)

Start: Starting Angle Theta. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

End: Ending Angle Theta. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

No. of Divisions: Number of Divisions in Theta direction. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 1.


Model Type: Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses. Options include 3D (default), 2.5D Z-Direction Extrusion, and 2.5D Y-Axis Rotation Extrusion.

Model Thickness in Z-Direction: Appears when Model Type is set to 2.5D Z-Direction Extrusion for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0.

Y Axis Extrusion Angle: Appears when Model Type is set to 2.5D Y-Axis Rotation Extrusion for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Spatial Radiation Angle: Appears for Far-field Directivity and Far-field Sound Power results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses. Options include Full (default) and Partial.

Starting Radiation Angle Phi: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Ending Radiation Angle Phi: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Starting Radiation Angle Theta: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Ending Radiation Angle Theta: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Visibility Controls

Radial Axis Bounds: Appears for all Far-Field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except for the Far-Field Sound Power Level result. Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual. Using the Manual option, you can set the radial bounds in the far-field chart to desired minimum and maximum values using the properties listed below.

Minimum Value: Define minimum value for Radial Axis Bounds property. The default value is 0.0.
Maximum Value: Define maximum value for Radial Axis Bounds property. The default value is 0.0.

Tree Dependencies

Insertion Methods

  • For results and result tools that are direct child objects of a Solution object, use any of the following methods after highlighting the Solution object:

    • Open one of the tab drop-down menus or result category on the Solution Context Tab.

    • Right-click the Solution object or in the Geometry window, select Insert, and then select desired result or result category.

  • For results that are direct child objects of a specific result tool, use any of the following methods after highlighting the specific result tool object:

    • Choose result on the Context tab related to the result tool.

    • Right-click a specific result tool object, select Insert, and then select the desired result or result category from the menu.

Right-click Options

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for this object include:

API Reference

See the Results section of the ACT API Reference Guide for specific scripting information.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information: