19.9.11. Error (Magnetic)

The description of this result is similar to Error (Structural) except that flux density is the basis for the errors instead of stresses.

When all materials are linear, Workbench uses relative permeability (MURX, MURY, MURZ) values which are available in the material properties.

When nonlinear materials are present, Workbench does not extract relative permeability from the material properties. Instead, for a given element, Workbench first sums the flux density vectors of the result nodes to form a vector called B. Workbench next sums the field intensity vectors of the result nodes to form a vector called H.

MURX, MURY, and MURZ are all assigned the value ( |B|/|H| ) / MUZERO, where:

  • |B| is the length of the B vector,

  • |H| is the length of the H vector,

  • MUZERO is free space permeability.

If the H vector has a zero length, the contribution of this element to the energy error will be set to 0.