Maximum Shear Stress Safety Tool

The Maximum Shear Stress Safety tool is based on the maximum shear stress failure theory for ductile materials.

The theory states that a particular combination of principal stresses causes failure if the Maximum Shear equals or exceeds a specific shear limit:

Where the limit strength is generally the yield or ultimate strength of the material. That is, the shear strength of the material is typically defined as a fraction (f < 1) of the yield or ultimate strength:

In a strict application of the theory, f = 0.5. Expressing the theory as a design goal:

If failure is defined by material yielding, it follows that the design goal is to limit the shear stress to be less than a fraction of the yield strength of the material:

An alternate but less common definition states that fracturing occurs when the shear stress reaches or exceeds a fraction of the ultimate strength of the material:


Define the stress limit in the Details under Stress Limit Type. Use either Tensile Yield Per Material, or Tensile Ultimate Per Material, or enter a Custom Value. By default, Stress Limit Type equals Tensile Yield Per Material.

Define coefficient f under Factor in the Details. By default, the coefficient f equals 0.5.

Select one of the following Stress Tool results from the Result group of the Stress Tool tab or by right-clicking and selecting Insert > [result type]:

Safety Factor

Safety Margin

Stress Ratio

  • The reliability of this failure theory depends on the accuracy of calculated results and the representation of stress risers (peak stresses). Stress risers play an important role if, for example, yielding at local discontinuities (notches, holes, fillets, etc.) and fatigue loading are of concern. If calculated results are suspect, consider the calculated stresses to be nominal stresses, and amplify the nominal stresses by an appropriate stress concentration factor Kt. Values for Kt are available in many strength of materials handbooks.

  • If fatigue is not a concern, localized yielding will lead to a slight redistribution of stress, and no real failure will occur. According to J. E. Shigley (Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill, 1973), "We conclude, then, that yielding in the vicinity of a stress riser is beneficial in improving the strength of the part and that stress-concentration factors need not be employed when the material is ductile and the loads are static."

  • Alternatively, localized yielding is potentially important if the material is marginally ductile, or if low temperatures or other environmental conditions induce brittle behavior.

  • Yielding of ductile materials may also be important if the yielding is widespread. For example, failure is most often declared if yielding occurs across a complete section.

  • The proper selection and use of a failure theory relies on your engineering judgment. Refer to engineering texts such as Engineering Considerations of Stress, Strain, and Strength by R. C. Juvinall (McGraw-Hill) and Mechanical Engineering Design by J. E. Shigley (McGraw-Hill) for in-depth discussions on the applied theories.