Reactions: Forces and Moments

You can obtain reaction forces and moments using Force Reaction probes or Moment Reaction probes. At the solver level, the output of reaction forces and moments is controlled via the Mechanical APDL OUTRES command. Support types marked RSOL are governed by the RSOL option, which refers to nodal constraint reactions. Those marked NLOAD and MISC are governed by the NLOAD and MISC options, which refer to the elemental nodal loads and elemental miscellaneous data, respectively. In addition, some analysis and support types require you turn them on in the Output Controls. If no setting is specified for a reaction type, the output occurs automatically.

When you request a Force Reaction or a Moment Reaction in a Cartesian coordinate system at a specific time point by setting Display to Single Time Point in the Details for Static Structural and Transient Structural Analysis, the Force Reaction or Moment Reaction is displayed by an arrow in the Geometry window. Force Reaction uses a single arrowhead and Moment Reaction uses double arrowhead. The arrows are drawn on the deformed mesh.

Similarly, when the force or moment reaction results are requested based on Frequency or Set Number and Phase Angle for Harmonic analysis or Mode Number for Modal analysis, the base of the arrow of the moment probe is placed at the Summation Point (or "centroid": the simple calculated average: unweighted by length, area, or volume). However, a Moment Reaction probe whose Location Method is a remote point will place the base of the arrow at the location of the remote point. In this case, there is no detail for Summation Point, and Mechanical does not employ a moment arm calculation. The moments are precisely the nodal moments for the remote point in the result file (as printed by the PRRSOL command in Mechanical APDL).

Large Scale Deformation

For large scale deformation analyses (NLGEOM,ON), both Mechanical APDL and Mechanical use the displaced mesh when calculating moment arms for moment probes:

moment_arm = (x+ux,y+uy,z+uz) - (sx,sy,sz)

Where sx,sy,sz is the setting of the Summation property, x,y,z is the nodal location, and ux,uy,uz is the displacement at the node location.

Important:  Currently for Mechanical, the specified Summation is not modified (or offset) to account for the displacements (or deformations).

When NLGEOM ,OFF is specified, the displacements are not used in the moment arm calculation:

moment_arm = (x,y,z) - (sx,sy,sz)

Rigid Dynamics Solver

For the Rigid Dynamics solver, when force or moment reaction probes use Contact Region for the Location Method, it allows you to display the resulting contact forces on a specific contact region. The contact region can be picked using the Contact Region drop-down menu. The Contact Force menu allows you to display either the Total force, the Normal, or the Tangent force. By definition, frictionless contact always reports a normal force and the tangent force reports zero for all components.

Note:  Contact regions between the same pair of parts are merged into a single contact region. Consequently, the probes will report the same values for the entire contact region.

Reaction Type Output Settings

The following topics discuss each type of reaction, the option that controls the output, and any required setting in the Output Controls. In addition, at the end of the section there is a listing of Support Requirements and Limitations. Make sure you review this content.

Fixed Boundary Conditions

For fixed boundary conditions, including:

  • Face, Edge, and Vertex Rotations (do not include Force reactions)

  • Displacements for Faces, Edges, and Vertices

  • Cylindrical Support

  • Frictionless face

  • Simply Supported Edge and Vertex

  • Finite Element (FE) Connection Boundary Conditions (Nodal Displacement and Nodal Rotation)

Reaction Type

Output Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient - Full


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Harmonic Response - Full

Harmonic Response - Mode-Superposition

If results are expanded from a modal solution, then the output of these options are controlled by both the RSOL and NLOAD options of the OUTRES command. You must set the Calculate Reactions property to Yes and the Nodal Forces property to either Yes or Constrained Nodes in the Output Controls.

Recommendation:  Constrained Nodes is the preferred option, as the results file size will be smaller and the process time shorter.

Otherwise, the output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command. Set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Important:  Force and Moment Reaction probes cannot be evaluated when you specify damping in combination with setting the Expand Results From property to either Harmonic Solution or Transient Solution. Review the MXPAND command in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for additional information about this limitation.

Transient - Mode-Superposition

Response Spectrum

In the upstream Modal analysis, under the Analysis Settings Output Controls , you must set the Nodal Forces property to either Yes or Constrained Nodes and set the Store Modal Results property to Program Controlled or For Future Analysis.

Note:  The Constrained Nodes setting is the preferred setting because the results file size will be smaller and the processing time shorter.

Random Vibration

Remote Displacement
Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient - Full


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Harmonic Response - Full

Response Spectrum

Random Vibration PSD

Harmonic Response - Mode-Superposition

If results are expanded from a modal solution, then the output of these options are controlled by both the RSOL and NLOAD options of the OUTRES command. You must set both Calculate Reactions and Nodal Forces to either Yes or Constrained Nodes in the Output Controls.

Recommendation:   Constrained Nodes is the preferred option, as the results file size will be smaller and the process time shorter.

Otherwise, the output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command. Set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Important:  Force and Moment Reaction probes cannot be evaluated when you specify damping in combination with setting the Expand Results From property to either Harmonic Solution or Transient Solution. Review the MXPAND command in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for additional information about this limitation.

Transient - Mode-Superposition

Compression Only Support

Reaction Type

Output Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command. Reaction probes scoped to a Compression Only boundary condition cannot display results if the solver did not converge.

Transient - Full

Elastic Support
Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Nodal Forces = Yes in the Output Controls.

Transient - Full

Imported Displacement
Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient - Full

Weak Springs
Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient - Full

Grounded Beam
Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient Full


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Harmonic Response - Full

Harmonic Response - Mode-Superposition

If results are expanded from a modal solution, then the output of these options are controlled by both the RSOL and NLOAD options of the OUTRES command. You must set both Calculate Reactions and Nodal Forces to either Yes or Constrained Nodes in the Output Controls.

Recommendation:  Constrained Nodes is the preferred option, as the results file size will be smaller and the process time shorter.

Otherwise, the output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command. Set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Important:  Force and Moment Reaction probes cannot be evaluated when you specify damping in combination with setting the Expand Results From property to either Harmonic Solution or Transient Solution. Review the MXPAND command in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for additional information about this limitation.

Transient - Mode-Superposition


Reaction Type

Output Controlled By


The underlying element options are controlled by the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command. To enable the output, set Nodal Forces = Yes in the Output Controls.

The contact element options are governed by the MISC option of the OUTRES command. To enable the output, set either the Contact Miscellaneous or General Miscellaneous property to Yes in the Output Controls.

Transient - Full


These analysis types do not support contact reactions using the contact element option. They only support contact reactions using the underlying element option.

You control the underlying element options using the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command. To enable the output, set the Nodal Forces property to Yes in the Output Controls category.

Standalone Harmonic Response - Full

Standalone Harmonic Response - Mode-Superposition

Harmonic Response Analysis Linked to Modal Analysis

Transient - Linked to Modal Analysis

Remote Point

Reaction Type

Output Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient - Full


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Harmonic Response - Full

Harmonic Response - Mode-Superposition

If results are expanded from a modal solution, then the output of these options are controlled by both the RSOL and NLOAD options of the OUTRES command. You must set both Calculate Reactions and Nodal Forces to either Yes or Constrained Nodes in the Output Controls.

Recommendation:   Constrained Nodes is the preferred option, as the results file size will be smaller and the process time shorter.

Otherwise, the output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command. Set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Important:  Force and Moment Reaction probes cannot be evaluated when you specify damping in combination with setting the Expand Results From property to either Harmonic Solution or Transient Solution. Review the MXPAND command in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for additional information about this limitation.

Transient - Mode-Superposition

Grounded Spring

Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

Transient - Full


The output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Harmonic Response - Full

Harmonic Response - Mode-Superposition

If results are expanded from a modal solution, then the output of these options are controlled by both the RSOL and NLOAD options of the OUTRES command. You must set both Calculate Reactions and Nodal Forces to either Yes or Constrained Nodes in the Output Controls.

Recommendation:  Constrained Nodes is the preferred option, as the results file size will be smaller and the process time shorter.

Otherwise, the output of these options are controlled by the RSOL option of the OUTRES command. Set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls.

Important:  Force and Moment Reaction probes cannot be evaluated when you specify damping in combination with setting the Expand Results From property set to either Harmonic Solution or Transient Solution. Review the MXPAND command in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for additional information about this limitation.

Transient - Mode-Superposition

Random Vibration

To enable the output, set Calculate Reactions = Yes in the Output Controls of the upstream Modal analysis.

Response Spectrum

Mesh Connection

Reaction Type

Output Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Nodal Forces = Yes in the Output Controls.

Transient - Full

Transient - Mode-Superposition


Reaction Type

Output Controlled By


The underlying element options are controlled by the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Nodal Forces = Yes in the Output Controls.

Note:  Mechanical supports geometry/mesh scoping for vertices, edges, faces, and element faces only.

Transient - Full

Important:  If you scope a Force Reaction or Moment Reaction probe to a geometric entity (Location Method = Geometry Selection) that shares more than one body, the adjacent elements not included in the geometric/mesh scoping contribute to the probe's results.

Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By


The output of these options are controlled by the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command.

To enable the output, set Nodal Forces = Yes in the Output Controls.

Transient - Full

Transient - Mode-Superposition

Named Selections
Reaction TypeOutput Controlled By
StaticThe underlying element options are controlled by the NLOAD option of the OUTRES command. To enable the output, set Nodal Forces = Yes in the Output Controls.
Transient - Full
Support Requirements and Limitations

Be sure to thoroughly review the following:

  • Force Reaction probes support Cartesian or cylindrical coordinate systems. Moment Reaction probes support Cartesian coordinate systems only.

  • For solved Force Reaction and Moment Reaction probes, the arrow that displays for the probe represents a resultant vector, regardless of the axial direction that you specify in the Result Selection property of the probe. Vector displays in Mechanical always use the Global Coordinate System.

  • A Moment Reaction probe cannot be scoped to a Grounded Spring.

  • For the Moment Reaction probe, the Summation property is available for most Location Method property selections and enables you to select Centroid or Orientation System for your scoped entity. If your selected Location Method does not display this property, the application automatically uses the centroid of the scoped entity for the moment calculation.

  • A reported reaction may be inappropriate if that support shares a face, edge, or vertex with another support, contact pair, or load. This is because the underlying finite element model will have both loads and supports applied to the same nodes.

    If a model contains two or more supports that share an edge or vertex, use caution in evaluating the listed reaction forces at those supports. Calculation of reaction forces includes the force acting along bounding edges and vertices. When supports share edges or vertices the global summation of forces may not appear to balance. Reaction forces may be incorrect if they share an edge or face with a contact region.

  • For a Moment Reaction scoped to a contact region, the location of the summation point may not be exactly on the contact region itself.

  • If you set Extraction equal to Contact (Underlying Element) or Target (Underlying Element) in the Details of either a Force Reaction or Moment Reaction probe, the reaction calculations work by summing the internal forces on the underlying elements under a contact region. These probes can also extract reaction data from surface effect elements. The application creates surface effect elements during the solution process to simulate loads, such as pressures. However, the application does not currently display surface effect elements from the Mesh object or the Connections object.

    Therefore, a reported reaction may be inappropriate on a contact face if that face shares topology with another contact face/edge or external load (such as a force or fixed support), which would contribute to the underlying elements' internal force balance. In addition, during a Transient analysis, inertial and damping forces are also included. Another possible scenario could arise for MPC contact of solid surfaces. In this case, if a gap is detected, the solver may build constraints on an additional layer into the solid mesh from the TARGET elements. This produces a more accurate response but will invalidate any reactions from the underlying solid elements of the TARGET elements. If symmetric contact is chosen, be careful to verify which side becomes active for the TARGET elements so that the correct reaction can be determined.

  • When scoping Force Reaction or Moment Reaction probes to geometry, it is possible that there may be elements (and as a result, element-based reactions) that are currently unavailable for summing purposes. For example, you scope a pressure to a face on your geometry. The solution process also applies surface effect elements to the same face to simulate the pressure loading. The probes, scoped to geometry, currently cannot extract reaction data from the surface effect elements and therefore, in the case of this example, only the underlying solid/shell/line elements of the original mesh contribute reaction data to the probe results.

  • If mesh elements overlap, reaction probes scoped using the Geometry Selection method may produce unexpected or unreliable results. Select the Mesh object to examine whether elements from one body cross an edge and overlay elements of other bodies.

  • For Modal analysis, reaction results in damped modal analysis provide a By field option in the result definition to compute results based on Mode Number, Phase of Maximum, and Maximum Over Phase.

  • For a Harmonic Response analysis, reaction results support all options of the result definition available for other harmonic results, and are reported based on the nearest frequency results available: no interpolation is done.

  • In order to evaluate reactions successfully for a standalone Mode Superposition Harmonic Response analysis that has the Clustering property set to On, you need to also make sure that either the Stress, Strain, Nodal, or the General Miscellaneous properties in the Analysis Settings>Output Controls are also set to Yes.

  • Reaction results sweep through a phase period of 0o and 360o at a specified increment. In previous releases of Mechanical (14.5 and earlier), the default value for this increment was 1o in order to determine the Phase of Maximum and the Maximum Over Phase values. For Harmonic Response analyses only, the phase increment can be controlled using the Phase Increment option. A Phase Increment entry can be between 1o and 10o. The default Phase Increment value is 10o but for legacy database results it is 1o.

  • For Random Vibration and Response Spectrum analysis, reaction results can only be scoped to a Remote Displacement boundary condition. Animation of reaction results is not supported for modal and harmonic analysis.

  • Since Beam Connections are, by definition, three dimensional in nature, the reactions object scoped to grounded beams may produce reactions in all three directions/axes for two-dimensional analysis. The Tabular Data view will reflect the reactions in all three axes, while the Results view will only reflect values in two axes. The total reactions will be calculated taking into account the reaction components in all three axes.

  • For a force reaction scoped to a contact region, if you set Extraction = Contact (Contact Element), the reaction calculations come directly from the contact elements themselves. This results in accurate force reactions even when the contact region overlaps with other boundary conditions, such as other contact regions, supports, etc. Characteristics of the Contact (Contact Element) setting are that MPC contact is not supported, nor are reactions from the Target (Underlying Element) side. This feature should only be used with Asymmetric contact and requires that either the Contact Miscellaneous or the General Miscellaneous property be set to Yes in the Output Controls. A limitation of the Contact (Contact Element) setting is when you use linear contact (that is, either Bonded or No Separation contact types) with loads that are unrealistically very high or very low in magnitude. These situations can produce inaccurate force reactions.

    Furthermore, in certain rare cases that involve large or concentrated initial interference and/or thermal expansion applications, the reactions calculated by the contact element option may differ from those calculated by the underlying elements. If you experience such as scenario, the underlying element approach is more accurate. Try to tighten the tolerances of the Newton-Raphson Option property under the Nonlinear Controls category of the Analysis Settings (also see the CNVTOL command) to improve the contact element reaction calculations.

  • When a probe is scoped to a Mesh Connection, the Mechanical application reports the following reactions:

    • Forces and Moments summed from the element nodal forces and moments in the result file.

    • The Extraction detail determines which elements (Primary or Secondary) contribute to the force or moment sum.

  • The Surface option of the Location Method property enables you to study reactions on cutting planes. You can extract generated member forces and reactions through a model by using a reaction probe scoped to a Surface object. For this probe type, you must explicitly select the body or bodies (via the Geometry property) to be sliced. You then specify for the Extraction property based upon whether you want to study the nodes in front or behind the plane. The Force Reaction probe operates the on elements cut by the plane (and only the nodes on those elements that are on the selected side of the plane). The application uses a slice algorithm for the Surface option. Because of very slight numerical accuracy issues, such as the number of significant digits used, the algorithm may not capture all expected nodes.

    The application can also fail to include a node based on how you slice an element. For example, if a slice plane produces a degenerate polygon, which can happen when a planar shell has only one node in the slice plane, the reaction calculation does not use the node from the element.

    For a Moment Reaction probe, when you set the Location Method property to Surface, you must select a body or bodies for the surface to cut. If the Summation property is set to Centroid and you select multiple bodies, the application will use the average the centroids of the bodies for the summation point. The application does not use weighting by volume or by mass for this averaging.

    Note:  This calculation is different that the calculation used to determine the origin of a coordinate system where geometry consists of multiple bodies.

    Important:  Do not apply reaction probes to cutting planes that intersect a boundary condition because the reported reactions become unreliable.

    • Based on the Extraction property option you select, the probe uses the nodes of the cut elements, either from the positive or the negative side, of the specified coordinate system. This requires the application to create certain tolerances along the plane as well as calculated roundoffs of the points. Based on these calculations, the application could produce unexpected results. If the reactions of each side, positive and negative, differ significantly, you should change the location of the Surface plane slightly.

    • Surfaces used in reaction probes do not currently intersect all geometries, such as line bodies, joints, springs, and MPC contact.

    • Currently, surface probes cannot intersect a plane strain or an axisymmetric model and consequently no results display for this scoping.