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I. Introduction to the Fluid Dynamics Verification Test Cases
1. Overview
1.1. Using the Verification Manual and Test Cases
1.2. Expected Results
1.3. References
1.4. Verification and Validation
1.5. Quality Assurance Services
1.6. Downloading the Project Files
1.7. CFX Supported Test Cases
1.8. Index to the Ansys Fluent and CFX Test Cases
1.9. Ansys Fluent GPU Supported Test Cases
1.10. Index to the Ansys Forte Test Cases
II. Ansys Fluent and CFX Test Cases
VMFL001 - Flow Between Rotating and Stationary Concentric Cylinders
VMFL002 - Laminar Flow Through a Pipe with Uniform Heat Flux
VMFL003 - Pressure Drop in Turbulent Flow Through a Pipe
VMFL004 - Plain Couette Flow with Pressure Gradient
VMFL005 - Poiseuille Flow in a Pipe
VMFL006 - Multicomponent Species Transport in Pipe Flow
VMFL007 - Non-Newtonian Flow in a Pipe
VMFL008 - Flow Inside a Rotating Cavity
VMFL009 - Natural Convection in a Concentric Annulus
VMFL010 - Laminar Flow in a 90° Tee-Junction.
VMFL011 - Laminar Flow in a Triangular Cavity
VMFL012 - Turbulent Flow in a Wavy Channel
VMFL013 - Turbulent Flow with Heat Transfer in a Backward-Facing Step
VMFL014 - Species Mixing in Co-axial Turbulent Jets
VMFL015 - Flow Through an Engine Inlet Valve
VMFL016 - Turbulent Flow in a Transition Duct
VMFL017 - Transonic Flow over an RAE 2822 Airfoil
VMFL018 - Shock Reflection in Supersonic Flow
VMFL019 - Transient Flow Near a Wall Set in Motion
VMFL020 - Adiabatic Compression of Air in Cylinder by a Reciprocating Piston
VMFL021 - Cavitation Over a Sharp-Edged Orifice Case A: High Inlet Pressure
VMFL022 - Cavitation Over a Sharp-Edged Orifice Case B: Low Inlet Pressure
VMFL023 - Oscillating Laminar Flow Around a Circular Cylinder
VMFL024 - Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids in a Rotating Cylinder
VMFL025 - Turbulent Non-Premixed Methane Combustion with Swirling Air
VMFL026 - Supersonic Flow with Real Gas Effects inside a Shock Tube
VMFL027 - Turbulent Flow Over a Backward-Facing Step
VMFL028 - Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Pipe Expansion
VMFL029 - Anisotropic Conduction Heat Transfer
VMFL030 - Turbulent Flow in a 90° Pipe-Bend
VMFL031 - Turbulent Flow Behind an Open-Slit V Gutter
VMFL032 - Turbulent Flow with Separation Along an Axisymmetric Afterbody
VMFL033 - Viscous Heating in an Annulus
VMFL034 - Particle Aggregation inside a Turbulent Stirred Tank
VMFL035 - 3-Dimensional Single-Stage Axial Compressor
VMFL036 - Laminar Flow Past Sphere
VMFL037 - Turbulent Flow Over a Forward Facing Step
VMFL038 - Falling Film Over an Inclined Plane
VMFL039 - Boiling in a Pipe with Heated Wall
VMFL040 - Separated Turbulent Flow in a Diffuser
VMFL041 - Transonic Flow Over an Airfoil
VMFL042 - Turbulent Mixing of Two Streams with Different Densities
VMFL043 - Laminar to Turbulent Transition of Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate
VMFL044 - Supersonic Nozzle Flow
VMFL045 - Oblique Shock Over an Inclined Ramp
VMFL046 - Supersonic Flow with Normal Shock in a Converging Diverging Nozzle
VMFL047 - Turbulent Flow with Separation in an Asymmetric Diffuser
VMFL048 - Turbulent flow in a 180° Pipe Bend
VMFL049 - Combustion in an Axisymmetric Natural Gas Furnace
VMFL050 - Transient Heat Conduction in a Semi-Infinite Slab
VMFL051 - Isentropic Expansion of Supersonic Flow Over a Convex Corner
VMFL052 - Turbulent Natural Convection Inside a Tall Cavity
VMFL053 - Compressible Turbulent Mixing Layer
VMFL054 - Laminar flow in a Trapezoidal Cavity
VMFL055 - Transitional Recirculatory Flow inside a Ventilation Enclosure
VMFL056 - Combined Conduction and Radiation in a Square Cavity
VMFL057 - Radiation and Conduction in Composite Solid Layers
VMFL058 - Turbulent Flow in an Axisymmetric Diffuser
VMFL059 - Conduction in a Composite Solid Block
VMFL060 - Transitional Supersonic Flow Over a Rearward Facing Step
VMFL061 - Surface to Surface Radiative Heat Transfer Between Two Concentric Cylinders
VMFL062 - Fully Developed Turbulent Flow Over a “Hill”
VMFL063 - Separated Laminar Flow Over a Blunt Plate
VMFL064 - Low Reynolds Number Flow in a Channel with Sudden Asymmetric Expansion
VMFL065 - Swirling Turbulent Flow Inside a Diffuser
VMFL066 - Radiative Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Enclosure with Participating Medium
VMFL067 - Boiling in a Pipe-Critical Heat Flux
VMFL068 - Axial Flow in an Eccentric Annulus
VMFL069 - Two Phase Poiseulle Flow
VMFL070 - Radiation Between Two Parallel Surfaces
VMFL071 - Mid-Span Flow Over a Goldman Stator Blade
VMFL072 - Liquid Water Flow Over a Flat Plate Under the Influence of Gravity
VMFL073 - Turbulent Separated Flow in an Axisymmetric Diffuser
VMFL074 - Modeling of a Plug Flow Atomizer
VMFL075 - Supersonic Flow Over a Circular Arc Bump
VMFL076 - Forced Convection Over a Flat Plate
VMFL077 - Free Surface Flow Around a Ship
VMFL078 - Polyhedral Mesh Accuracy
VMFLGPU001 - Flow Between Rotating and Stationary Concentric Cylinders
VMFLGPU002 - Laminar Flow in a 90° Tee-Junction.
VMFLGPU003 - Laminar Flow in a Triangular Cavity
VMFLGPU004 - Anisotropic Conduction Heat Transfer
VMFLGPU005 - Turbulent Natural Convection Inside a Tall Cavity
VMFLGPU006 - Mid-Span Flow Over a Goldman Stator Blade
VMFLGPU007 - Turbulent Flow with Heat Transfer in a Backward-Facing Step
VMFLGPU008 - Radiative Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Enclosure with Participating Medium
III. Ansys Forte Test Cases
VMFRT001 - Large Eddy Simulation in Internal Combustion Engine Case
VMFRT002 - Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bklraAL4
VMFRT003 - Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bklfaAL4
VMFRT004 - Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bkldaAL4
VMFRT005 - Engine Combustion Network Reacting Flow Case jkldaAL4
VMFRT006 - Adiabatic Compression of Air in Cylinder by a Reciprocating Piston
VMFRT007 - Small-Bore Direct Injection Diesel Engine