Adiabatic Compression of Air in Cylinder by a Reciprocating Piston


ReferenceRussell, L.D., Adebiyi, G.A. Classical Thermodynamics, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 1993.
SolverAnsys Forte
Physics/ModelsDynamic Mesh, Transient flow with ideal gas effects
Input FilesVMFRT006.ftsim
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

This test simulates air undergoing an adiabatic compression due to the upward movement of a piston inside a cylinder. Initially the air inside the cylinder is at atmospheric conditions and the piston is located at the Bottom Dead Center (BDC). The piston reaches the Top Dead Center (TDC) when at the 360° crank angle. The compression is assumed to be adiabatic. Results in Figure 207: Pressure and Figure 208: Temperature are compared against the 2-D analytical solution mentioned in the Reference.

Test case properties
108 m8 mO2=21% N2=79% 1 atm300 K
Simulation Settings
Initial CAFinal CACycle typeWall refinementsMesh sizemaxdtMAX
180 deg540 deg4-strokeHead=0.5 m Liner=0.5 m Piston=0.25 m 1 m5 ms

Results Comparison for Ansys Forte

Figure 207: Pressure


Figure 208: Temperature
