Turbulent Flow in a Wavy Channel


Reference J.D. Kuzan, “Velocity Measurements for Turbulent Separated and Near-Separated Flows Over Solid Waves”. Ph.D. thesis. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1986.
SolverAnsys Fluent, Ansys CFX
Physics/ModelsTurbulent internal flow with separation and recirculation, periodic boundaries
Input File
wavy.cas for Ansys Fluent
VMFL012B_VV012.def  for Ansys CFX
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

A periodic flow domain bounded on one side by a sinusoidal wavy wall and with a straight wall on the other side. Due to periodicity only a part of the channel needs to modeled. Figure 23: Flow Domain depicts the channel geometry. Flow direction is from left to right.

Figure 23: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density = 1 kg/m3

Viscosity = 0.0001 kg/m-s

Amplitude of the sinusoidal wave = 0. 1 m

Wave length = 1 m

Length of the periodic segment = 1 m

Periodic Conditions:

Mass flow rate = 0.816 kg/s

Pressure Gradient = -0.01687141 Pa/m

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. Pressure based solver is used. Periodic boundaries are used. For analysis of results, velocity in the x –direction is normalized by the mean mainstream velocity, U = 0.816 m/s, at mean channel height. Turbulence model used is Realizable k-E in Fluent and Shear Stress Transport in CFX.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 24: Comparison of Distribution of Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Crest

Comparison of Distribution of Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Crest

Figure 25: Comparison of Predicted Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Trough

Comparison of Predicted Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Trough

Results Comparison for Ansys CFX

Figure 26: Comparison of Distribution of Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Crest

Comparison of Distribution of Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Crest

Figure 27: Comparison of Predicted Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Trough

Comparison of Predicted Normalized X-Velocity along Transverse Direction at the Wave Trough