Supersonic Flow with Real Gas Effects inside a Shock Tube


ReferenceK. Mohamed, M. Paraschivoiu, “Real Gas Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Flow”. 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 16-19, 2004
SolverAnsys Fluent
Physics/ModelsTransient Compressible flow, Real Gas effects, Shock
Input File
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Test Case

Transient flow inside a hydrogen filled shock tube is modeled. A diaphragm separating regions of high and low pressures ruptures at t = 0 thereby creating a shock wave in the tube.

Figure 68: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Table 25: Materials, Geometry, and Boundary Conditions

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density is specified using the Aungier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model

Length of the tube = 1 m

Area of cross section = 0.01 m2

Cell zone conditions are specified with high pressure and low pressure properties of hydrogen

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is compressible and unsteady by nature. Real gas effects are significant in the pressure range considered here.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 69: Comparison of Static Temperature Along Centerline of the Tube

Comparison of Static Temperature Along Centerline of the Tube

Figure 70: Comparison of Static Pressure Along Centerline of the Tube

Comparison of Static Pressure Along Centerline of the Tube