Anisotropic Conduction Heat Transfer


SolverAnsys Fluent
Physics/ModelsHeat conduction, anisotropic conductivity
Input Fileaniso.cas
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Test Case

Heat conduction in a solid with anisotropic thermal conductivity is modeled. A square domain is considered. Two opposite walls are maintained at uniform temperatures. Conductivity of the solid material is specified using matrix components to account for the anisotropy. The simulation results are compared with analytical solution for temperature distribution.

Figure 76: Domain


Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density of solid = 2719 kg/m3

Specific heat = 871 J/kg-K

Thermal conductivity: Anisotropic

Dimensions of the domain: 1 m x 1 m

Fixed wall temperatures = 100 K and 200 K respectively

User-defined profile for temperature distribution on the other two walls

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Steady state conduction. Anisotropic conductivity modeled by specified matrix components for the solid conductivity.

Results Comparison

Figure 77: Comparison of Normalized Temperature Distribution at X = 0.5 m

Comparison of Normalized Temperature Distribution at X = 0.5 m