Boiling in a Pipe with Heated Wall


ReferenceG.G. Bartolomei, V.M. Chanturiya "Experimental Study of True Void Fraction When Boiling Subcooled Water in Vertical Tubes". Thermal Engineering. Vol. 14, pp. 123-128, 1967.
SolverAnsys Fluent, Ansys CFX
Physics/ModelsMultiphase flow, phase change, RPI Wall boiling Model
Input File
wall-boiling.def for Ansys Fluent
VMFL039___wall-boiling.def for Ansys CFX
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

Bubble formation and boiling near the heated wall of a vertical pipe are modeled. Outer wall of the pipe is heated with a constant heat flux.

Figure 99: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Steam-Water 2-phase Flow:

  • Water: continuous phase

  • Water Steam: dispersed bubbles

Bubble diameter dependent on fluid temperature

Radius of the pipe = 7.7 mm

Height of the pipe = 2 m

Mass flux at inlet = 900 kg/m2/s

Inlet pressure = 4.5 X 106 N/m2

Heat transfer at the wall = 570000 W/m2

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. SST model is used for turbulence. RPI model for wall boiling is used with a value of 0.8 for the wall area fraction affected by vapor.

Results Comparison Ansys Fluent

Figure 100: Comparison of Temperature Along the Pipe Wall

Comparison of Temperature Along the Pipe Wall

Results Comparison Ansys CFX

Figure 101: Comparison of Temperature Along the Pipe Wall

Comparison of Temperature Along the Pipe Wall