Natural Convection in a Concentric Annulus


ReferenceT.H. Kuehn, R.J. Goldstein, “An Experimental Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Concentric and Eccentric Horizontal Cylindrical Annuli”, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol 100, pp. 635-640, 1978.
SolverAnsys Fluent, Ansys CFX
Physics/ModelsHeat transfer, natural convection, laminar flow
Input Files

concn.cas for Ansys Fluent

ecc_cfx.def for Ansys CFX

Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

Natural convection inside a concentric annular domain. The inner wall is maintained at a higher temperature than the outer wall, thereby causing buoyancy induced circulation.

Figure 15: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Only half of the domain is modeled due to symmetry.

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density: Incompressible ideal gas

Viscosity: 2.081 X 10-5 kg/m-s

Specific Heat: 1008 J/kg-K

Thermal Conductivity: 0.02967 W/m-K

Radius of outer cylinder = 46.25 mm

Radius of inner cylinder = 17.8 mm

Inner wall temperature = 373 K

Outer wall temperature = 327 K

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is symmetric and only half of the domain is modeled. Density is calculated based on incompressible ideal gas assumption. The flow is laminar.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 16: Comparison of Static Temperature Distribution on the Bottom Wall of Symmetry

Comparison of Static Temperature Distribution on the Bottom Wall of Symmetry

Figure 17: Comparison of Static Temperature Distribution on the Top Wall of Symmetry

Comparison of Static Temperature Distribution on the Top Wall of Symmetry

Results Comparison for Ansys CFX

Figure 18: Comparison of Static Temperature Distribution on the Bottom Wall of Symmetry

Comparison of Static Temperature Distribution on the Bottom Wall of Symmetry