Two Phase Poiseulle Flow



E. Marchandise, J.F. Remacle, “A stabilized finite element method using a discontinuous level set approach for solving two phase incompressible flows”, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 219, pp. 780-800, 2006

SolverAnsys Fluent

Steady flow, laminar, two phase

Input File
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Test Case

This test case considers the horizontal stratified Poiseulle flow of two fluids between parallel walls. The interface between the two phases is located at half of the height of the channel.

Figure 164: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

The two fluids have the same density.

Kinematic Viscosity

Fluid-1 = 0.1

Fluid-2 = 0.02

Dimensions of the domain:

2 m X 4 m

Periodic Boundary is used with a Pressure Gradient = -0.5 Pa/m.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. Deformation of the interface is not modeled.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 165: Comparison of Velocity Profile for Two Phase Flow

Comparison of Velocity Profile for Two Phase Flow