Laminar Flow in a 90° Tee-Junction.


Reference R.E. Hayes, K. Nandkumar, H. Nasr-El-Din, “Steady Laminar Flow in a 90 Degree Planar Branch”. Computers and Fluids, Vol 17, pp. 537-553, 1989.
Solver Ansys Fluent GPU
Physics/Models Laminar flow
Input File
vt002.msh.h5, vel-inlet.prof,vmfl002.jou for Ansys Fluent GPU

Test Case

The purpose of this test is to compare prediction of the fractional flow in a dividing tee-junction with experimental results. The fluid enters through the bottom branch and divides into the two channels whose exit planes are held at the same static pressure.

Figure 185: Flow Domain

Flow Domain
Flow Domain

Table 41: Comparison of Flow Split from Tee

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Fluid: Air

Density : 1 kg/m3

Viscosity: 0.003333 kg/m-s

L=3.0 m

W=1.0 m

Fully developed inlet velocity profile for: where is the inlet centerline velocity.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady and incompressible. Pressure based solver is used. It is seen that with increasing flow rate in the main channel, less fluid escapes through the secondary (right) branch. For analysis of results, we calculate and compare the fractional flow in the upper branch.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent GPU

Table 42: Comparison of Flow Split from Tee

 Target Ansys Fluent GPURatio
Flow split 0.8870.8840.997