Combined Conduction and Radiation in a Square Cavity



D.R. Rousse, G. Gautier, J.F. Sacadura. “Numerical predictions of two-dimensional conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer. II. Validation”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol 39, pp. 332-353, 2000

SolverAnsys Fluent

Radiation modeling; discrete ordinate model

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Test Case

Coupled conduction and radiation is modeled in a square enclosure. The material properties are set to model a condition corresponding to the Conduction-Radiation parameter N = 1.0. Scattering coefficient of the medium is 0. Steady state heat transfer is modeled. One wall of the square cavity is kept at a higher temperature than the other 3 walls.

Figure 140: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Thermal Conductivity = 1 W/m-K

Absorption Coefficient = 0.228/m

Dimensions of the domain: 1 m X 1 m

Temperature of the hot wall = 100 K

Temperature of the cold walls = 50 K

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The material properties are set to model the desired conduction-radiation fraction. Radiative heat flux is only a small fraction of the total heat flux.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 141: Comparison of Non-Dimensional Temperature at X = 0.5 m

Comparison of Non-Dimensional Temperature at X = 0.5 m