Turbulent Flow in a Transition Duct


ReferenceD.O. Davis, F.B. Gessner, “Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flow Through a Circular-to-Rectangular Transition Duct”. AIAA Journal, Vol 30, pp. 367-375, 1992
SolverAnsys Fluent
Physics/Models3–D Turbulent flow with separation, Reynolds stress model
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Test Case

Turbulent flow through a circular-to-rectangular transition duct having the same inlet and outlet cross-sectional areas is modeled. The curvature of the duct walls induces a strong pressure-driven cross-flow that develops into a counter-rotating vortex pair near the short side walls of the duct. Due to symmetry of the flow field, only one fourth of the duct is modeled (as shown in Figure 39: Flow Domain). Station 5 is located 23 m downstream of the inlet.

Figure 39: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density: 1 kg/m3

Viscosity: 5.13X10–6 kg/m-s

Inlet radius = 1 m

Length of duct = 35 m

Inlet velocity: 1 m/s

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) is used to model turbulence.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 40: Comparison of Pressure Coefficient at Station 5

Comparison of Pressure Coefficient at Station 5

Figure 41: Comparison of Pressure Coefficient Along Centerline of the Duct

Comparison of Pressure Coefficient Along Centerline of the Duct