Conduction in a Composite Solid Block


ReferenceF.P. Incropera, D.P. Dewitt. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. 5th Edition, pg. 117, 2006.
SolverAnsys Fluent
Physics/ModelsConduction with heat source
Input File
VMFL059_FLUENT.cas for Ansys Fluent
VMFL059_Serial.def for CFX-Solver
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

Heat conduction in a plane wall formed as composite of two materials is modeled. One of the materials has a uniform volumetric heat generation source while the other material has an outer surface exposed to convective cooling.

Figure 146: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Material 1:

Density =2702 kg/m3
Specific Heat = 903 J/kg-k
Thermal Conductivity = 75 W/m-K

Material 2:

Density = 8978 kg/m3
Specific Heat = 381 J/kg-k
Thermal Conductivity = 150 W/m-K

Dimensions of the domain:

0.07 m X 0.08 m
Thickness of slab 1 (material 1) = 0.05 m

Left-most wall: Adiabatic

Right-most wall: Convective, with Heat Transfer Coefficient = 1000 W/m2 K and free stream temperature = 303 K

Other boundaries are adiabatic walls.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Contact resistance between the slabs is neglected.

Results Comparison

Table 35: Comparison Temperatures on the Side Walls

 TargetAnsys FluentRatio
Temperature of the cooled wall, K378378.141.0004
Temperature of the adiabatic wall on extreme left side, K413413.171.0004