Forced Convection Over a Flat Plate



NASA Memorandum 02-27-1959, DETAILS OF EXACT LOW PRANDTL NUMBER BOUNDARY-LAYER SOLUTIONS FOR FORCED AND FOR FREE CONVECTION, By E. M. Sparrow and J. L. Gregg, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

SolverAnsys Fluent

Laminar, Convection

Input FileVMFL076_FLUENT.cas
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

Analysis of forced convection heat transfer with very low Prandtl numbers, typically encountered in liquid metal flows.

Figure 178: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density= 900 kg/m3

Viscosity: 0.01 kg/m-s

Specific Heat = 42.6  J/kg-K

Thermal Conductivity = 142  W/m-K

Flat Plate Length = 1 m

Inlet Velocity = 1 m/s

Inlet temperature = 300  K

temperature of the plate = 350  K

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Laminar steady flow. Pressure based coupled solver with pseudo-transient is used.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 179: Comparison of Normalized Temperature with analytical results

Comparison of Normalized Temperature with analytical results