Transitional Supersonic Flow Over a Rearward Facing Step



H.E. Smith. “The Flow Field and Heat Transfer Downstream of a Rearward Facing Step in Supersonic Flow”. ARL 67-0056, Aerospace Research Laboratories. Ohio, USA.

SolverAnsys Fluent

Compressible Flow, Transitional turbulence modeling (Transition SST model)

Input File
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Test Case

Supersonic flow with an inlet Mach number 2.5 past a backward facing step is modeled. Key features of the flow field include sudden expansion, free shear layer, recirculation zone, and oblique shock. Reynolds number of the flow (based on step height) is in the transitional range.

Figure 147: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density: Ideal gas

Viscosity =

1.7894 X 10-5 kg/m-sec

Step Height = 0.443 in

Inlet: 4 in upstream of the step

Outlet: 12 in downstream of the step

Transverse (top) boundary: 6.25 in above the step.

Total pressure at inlet = 227527 Pa

Static Pressure at Inlet = 13316.6

Total temperature at inlet = 344.44 K

Transverse boundary modeled as farfield

Walls are modeled as adiabatic

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is modeled using transitional turbulence models.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 148: Comparison of Non-Dimensionalized Static Pressure along the Stepped Wall Downstream of the Corner

Comparison of Non-Dimensionalized Static Pressure along the Stepped Wall Downstream of the Corner