Mid-Span Flow Over a Goldman Stator Blade



Goldman, L.G., & McLallin, K.L. (1977). Cold-Air Annular Cascade Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance of Core-Engine-Cooled Turbine Vanes: In Solid Vane Performance and Facility Description, NASA Technical Memorandum X-3224.

Solver Ansys Fluent GPU


Input File vt006.msh.h5, vmfl006.jou

Test Case

Airflow over a Goldman stator blade at the mid-span is considered. This 2.5D analysis provides insight into Ansys Fluent's ability to predict the complicated flow features typical of turbomachinery applications. The geometry of the domain under consideration is shown in the figure below. The inlet and the outlet are located approximately 0.03 m away from the blade's leading and trailing edges, respectively. They are located where their presence does not affect predictions near the blade.

Figure 193: Flow Domain

Flow Domain
Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Fluid: Air

Density: Ideal gas

Viscosity: 1.78e-05

Dimensions of the domain:

~ 0.1 m x 0.12 m

Inlet velocity: 71.75 m/s

Translational periodic boundary condition on the top and bottom walls simulate the test section mid-span.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The Reynolds number is based on the chord length of the blade, and the free-stream velocity is 500,000. Therefore the flow is turbulent. The inlet Mach number is approximately 0.2 which implies subsonic flow.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent GPU

Figure 194: Comparison of Pressure Ratio with Experimental Result

Comparison of Pressure Ratio with Experimental Result