1.7. CFX Supported Test Cases

Due to differences between the Fluent and CFX solvers, only a subset of the test cases in this manual are supported by CFX. The following is a list of test cases which are supported by CFX:

VMFL001 - Flow Between Rotating and Stationary Concentric Cylinders
VMFL002 - Laminar Flow Through a Pipe with Uniform Heat Flux
VMFL003 - Pressure Drop in Turbulent Flow Through a Pipe
VMFL004 - Plain Couette Flow with Pressure Gradient
VMFL005 - Poiseuille Flow in a Pipe
VMFL007 - Non-Newtonian Flow in a Pipe
VMFL008 - Flow Inside a Rotating Cavity
VMFL009 - Natural Convection in a Concentric Annulus
VMFL010 - Laminar Flow in a 90° Tee-Junction
VMFL011 - Laminar Flow in a Triangular Cavity
VMFL012 - Turbulent Flow in a Wavy Channel
VMFL018 - Shock Reflection in Supersonic Flow
VMFL019 - Transient Flow Near a Wall Set in Motion
VMFL021 - Cavitation over a Sharp-Edged Orifice Case A: High Inlet Pressure
VMFL023 - Oscillating Laminar Flow Around a Circular Cylinder
VMFL032 - Turbulent Flow with Separation Along an Axisymmetric Afterbody
VMFL037 - Turbulent Flow Over a Forward Facing Step
VMFL040 - Separated Turbulent Flow in a Diffuser
VMFL042 - Turbulent Mixing of Two Streams with Different Densities
VMFL045 - Oblique Shock Over an Inclined Ramp