Turbulent Non-Premixed Methane Combustion with Swirling Air


P.A.M. Kalt, Y.M. Al-Abdeli, A.R. Masri, R.S. Barlow, “Swirling turbulent non-premixed flames of methane: Flow field and compositional structure”. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol 29, pp. 1913-1919, 2002
Y.M. Al-Abdeli, A.R. Masri, “Stability Characteristics and Flow Fields of Turbulent Swirling Jet Flows”. Combustion Theory and Modeling, Vol 7, pp. 731-766, 2003
SolverAnsys Fluent
Physics/ModelsTurbulent swirling flow with reaction, non-premixed combustion model, Radiation heat transfer, Discrete ordinates method
Input File
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Test Case

Air and Methane enter as separate streams into an annular chamber. Air issues as a swirling jet and also as a separate co-flowing stream with axial velocity. Both the air streams are free of methane. Species mixing and combustion take place in the axisymmetric chamber. Radiative heat transfer is taken into account.

Figure 63: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Species mixture properties specified through PDF file

Viscosity: 1.72 x 10-05 kg/m-s

Refractive Index = 1

The fuel (methane only) inlet has a diameter of 3.6 mm.

The air inlet for the annular shroud has an inner diameter of 50mm and an outer diameter of 60 mm.

Co-flowing air inlet has an outer diameter of 310 mm.

Methane inlet velocity: 32.7 m/s

Axial velocity of swirling air: 38.2 m/s

Swirl velocity of air: 19.1 m/s

Co-flowing air velocity: 20 m/s

Walls are adiabatic

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. Realizable k-ε is used to model turbulence. Discrete ordinates method used to model radiation. The walls are treated as adiabatic. Non-premixed combustion model is used to model reactions.

Results Comparison Ansys Fluent

Figure 64: Comparison of Axial Velocity at X = 40mm

Comparison of Axial Velocity at X = 40mm

Figure 65: Comparison of Swirl Velocity at X = 40mm

Comparison of Swirl Velocity at X = 40mm

Figure 66: Comparison of Temperature at X = 40mm

Comparison of Temperature at X = 40mm

Figure 67: Comparison of Mass Fraction of CO at X = 40mm

Comparison of Mass Fraction of CO at X = 40mm