Supersonic Nozzle Flow


ReferenceL.H. Back, P.F. Massier, H.L. Gier. "Convective Heat Transfer in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle". Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 7, pp. 549-568, 1964
SolverAnsys Fluent, Ansys CFX
Physics/ModelsCompressible flow in supersonic regime, SST Model
Input File
VMFL044_nozzleflow.cas for Ansys Fluent
VMFL044___supersonic_nozzle_flow_serial.def for Ansys CFX
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

Supersonic flow in a convergent-divergent nozzle is modeled. The flow is supersonic in the entire divergent section of the nozzle.

Figure 112: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density: Ideal Gas

Viscosity: 1.831 X 10-5 kg/m-s

Length of the nozzle = 0.1594 m

Exit-to-throat area ratio = 2.68

Half angle of divergence = 15°

Inlet Relative Pressure = 1 X 106 Pa

Inlet Total Temperature = 825 K

Wall temperature = 413 K

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. The walls are assumed to be at constant temperature. Only a 3° sector of the domain is modeled due to symmetry.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 113: Comparison of Pressure Ratio Along the Nozzle Wall with Experimental Data

Comparison of Pressure Ratio Along the Nozzle Wall with Experimental Data

Results Comparison for Ansys CFX

Figure 114: Comparison of Pressure Ratio Along the Nozzle Wall with Experimental Data

Comparison of Pressure Ratio Along the Nozzle Wall with Experimental Data