Turbulent Flow in a 90° Pipe-Bend



M.M. Enayet, M.M. Gibson, A.M.K.P. Taylor, M. Yianneskis, “Laser-Doppler Measurements of Laminar and Turbulent Flow in a Pipe Bend”. Znt. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol 3. pp. 213-219, 1982

SolverAnsys Fluent
Physics/Models3-D Turbulent flow with separation, RNG k-ε model with non-equilibrium wall functions
Input File
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Test Case

Turbulent flow through a 90° circular pipe bend is modeled. The flow separates and reattaches around the bend. Due to symmetry of the flow field only half of the domain is modeled. Velocity profile at an angle of 75° (as measured from the inlet) is used to validate the simulation.

Figure 78: Flow Domain

Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density: 1 kg/m3

Viscosity: 2.3256 x 10-05 kg/m-s

Radius of the pipe = 0.5 m

Inlet velocity: Fully developed turbulent profile for z-velocity.

Non components in other directions

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. RNG k-ε is used to model turbulence along with non-equilibrium wall functions.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent

Figure 79: Comparison of Velocity Magnitude (m/s) at 75° Along the Bend

Comparison of Velocity Magnitude (m/s) at 75° Along the Bend