Flow Between Rotating and Stationary Concentric Cylinders


ReferenceF. M. White. Viscous Fluid Flow. Section 3-2.3. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.. New York, NY. 1991.
SolverAnsys Fluent GPU
Physics/ModelsLaminar flow, rotating wall
Input Files

vt001.msh,vmfl001.jou for Ansys Fluent GPU

Test Case

Steady laminar flow between two concentric cylinders is modeled. The flow is induced by rotation of the inner cylinder with a constant angular velocity, while the outer cylinder is held stationary. Due to periodicity only a section of the domain needs to be modeled. In the present simulation a 180° segment (half of the domain shown in Figure 184: Flow Domain) is modeled. The sketch is not to scale.

Figure 184: Flow Domain

Flow Domain
Flow Domain

Material PropertiesGeometry Boundary Conditions

Density = 1 kg/m3

Viscosity = 0.0002 kg/m-s

Radius of the Inner Cylinder = 17.8 mm

Radius of the Outer Cylinder = 46.28 mm

Angular velocity of the inner wall = 1 rad/s

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The flow is steady. The tangential velocity at various sections can be calculated using analytical equations for laminar flow. These values are used for comparison with simulation results.

Results Comparison for Ansys Fluent GPU

Table 40: Comparison of Tangential Velocity in the Annulus at Various Radial Locations

Tangential Velocity atTarget, m/sAnsys Fluent GPU, m/sRatio
r = 20 mm0.01510.01521.006
r = 25 mm0.01050.01051.000
r = 30 mm0.00720.00721.000
r = 35 mm0.00460.00450.978