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1. Introduction
1.1. The Ansys Product Improvement Program
1.2. Conventions
1.2.1. Axes Systems
1.2.2. Wave/Wind/Current Direction
1.2.3. Phase Angle
1.3. The Structure Definition and Analysis Position
1.4. Units
1.5. Aqwa Files
1.6. Memory Usage
2. Analysis Stages
2.1. General Description
2.2. The Restart Stages
2.3. Restart Stage 1
2.4. Restart Stage 2
2.5. Restart Stage 3
2.6. Restart Stage 4
2.7. Restart Stage 5
2.8. Restart Stage 6
3. Data Preparation for the Aqwa Suite
3.1. Features Common to All Data Categories
3.1.1. Optional User Identifier
3.1.2. Compulsory Data Category Keyword
3.1.3. Compulsory 'END' Statement
3.1.4. Format Requirements
3.2. Classification of Data Categories 1 to 18
3.2.1. Stopping and Starting the Program During an Analysis
3.2.2. Data Categories 1 to 5 - Geometric Definition and Static Environment
3.2.3. Data Categories 6 to 8 - The Radiation/Diffraction Analysis Parameters
3.2.4. Data Categories 9 to 18 - Definition of Analysis-Dependent Parameters
3.3. Default Values Assumed by the Program
3.3.1. Omission of Data Categories
3.3.2. Omission of Data Records within a Data Category
3.3.3. Omission of Fields on a Data Record
3.3.4. Default Values
3.4. The Data Category Series for One or More Structures
3.4.1. Data Category Series - Definition
3.4.2. The Data Category Series Terminator - FINI
3.4.3. Omission of Data Categories within a Data Category Series
4. The Preliminary Data (Data Category 0)
4.1. The JOB Data Record
4.2. The TITLE Data Record
4.3. The NUM_CORES Data Record
4.4. The OPTIONS Data Record
4.5. The RESTART Data Record
5. Node Number and Coordinates (Data Category 1)
5.1. General Description
5.2. Data Category Header
5.3. The Coordinate Data Record
5.4. The Coordinate Data Record with Rotational Node Generation
5.5. The STRC Data Record - Coordinate Structure Association
5.6. The Coordinate Data Record with Offset
5.7. The Coordinate Data Record with Translation
5.8. The Coordinate Data Record with Mirror Node Generation
5.9. The NOD5 Data Record - 5-digit node numbers
6. Element Topology - ELM* (Data Category 2)
6.1. General Description
6.2. Data Category Header
6.3. Element Topology Data Record
6.3.1. The QPPL Element
6.3.2. The TPPL Element
6.3.3. The TUBE Element
6.3.4. The STUB Element
6.3.5. The DISC Element
6.3.6. The PMAS Element
6.3.7. The PBOY Element
6.3.8. The FPNT Element
6.3.9. Examples of Element Specifications
6.4. SYMX and SYMY Data Records - X and Y Symmetry
6.5. The HYDI Data Record - Hydrodynamic Interaction
6.6. The RMXS/RMYS Data Records- Remove Symmetry
6.7. The MSTR Data Record - Move Structure
6.8. The FIXD Data Record - Fix Structure
6.9. The VLID Data Record - Suppression of Standing Waves
6.10. The ASYM Data Record - Axisymmetric Structure Generation
6.11. The ILID Data Record - Suppression of Irregular Frequencies
6.12. The ZLWL Data Record - Waterline Height
6.13. The SEAG Data Records - Creation of Wave Grid Pressures
6.14. Internal Tank Data Records
6.14.1. The ITNK Data Record – Internal Tank Definition Sub-Header
6.14.2. The TMAT Data Record – Internal Tank Material Properties
6.14.3. Element Topology Data Record
6.14.4. TSMX AND TSMY Data Records - X and Y Symmetry
6.14.5. The TRMX/TRMY Data Records - Remove Internal Tank Symmetry
6.14.6. The TNAM Data Records - Internal Tank Name
6.14.7. The FINI Card – Internal Tank Separator
6.15. Moonpool Data Records
6.15.1. The MOON Data Record—Moonpool Definition Sub-Header
6.15.2. The MNAM Data Record—Moonpool Name
6.15.3. The PMOD Data Record—Prescribed Pressure Mode Definition
6.15.4. MSMX and MSMY Data Records—X and Y Symmetry
6.15.5. Element Topology Data Records of Moonpool Surfaces
6.15.6. The MFIN Card—Moonpool Separator
7. Material Properties - MATE (Data Category 3)
7.1. General Description
7.2. Data Category Header
7.3. Material Property Data Record
7.4. The STRC Data Record - Material Structure Association
8. Geometric Properties - GEOM (Data Category 4)
8.1. General Description
8.2. Data Category Header
8.3. Geometric Property Data Record
8.4. The STRC Data Record - Geometry Structure Association
9. Constant Parameters - GLOB (Data Category 5)
9.1. General Description
9.2. Data Category Header
9.3. The DPTH Data Record (Optional) - Water Depth
9.4. The DENS Data Record (Optional) - Water Density
9.5. The ACCG Data Record (Optional) - Acceleration Due to Gravity
10. Frequency and Directions Table - FDR* (Data Category 6)
10.1. General Description
10.2. Data Category Header
10.3. The FREQ/PERD/HRTZ Data Record - Frequencies/Periods at which the Hydrodynamic Parameters are Computed
10.4. The DIRN Data Record - Directions at which the Hydrodynamic Parameters are Computed
10.5. The MVEF Data Record - Move Existing Frequency Parameters
10.6. The DELF Data Record - Delete Frequency Parameters
10.7. The CSTR Data Record - Copying Existing Hydrodynamic Parameters for a Specific Structure Number
10.8. The FILE Data Record - Copying Existing Hydrodynamic Parameters from an External File
10.9. The CPYF/CPYP/CPYH Data Records - Copy Frequency Parameters
10.10. The CPYS Data Record - Copy Stiffness Matrix
10.11. The CPDB Data Record - Copy Existing Hydrodynamic Data Base
10.12. The FWDS Data Record - Define Forward Speed
10.13. Database Import
11. Wave Frequency Dependent Parameters and Stiffness Matrix - WFS* (Data Category 7)
11.1. General Description
11.2. Data Category Header
11.3. Hydrostatic Stiffness
11.3.1. The LSTF Data Record - Linear Hydrostatic Stiffness Matrix
11.3.2. The ASTF Data Record - Additional Hydrostatic Stiffness Matrix
11.3.3. The BFEQ Data Record - Buoyancy Force at Equilibrium
11.3.4. The GMXX/GMYY Data Record - User-Specified Metacentric Height
11.4. Analysis Position
11.4.1. The ZCGE Data Record - Z Coordinate of the Center of Gravity at Equilibrium
11.4.2. The SSTR Data Record - Submerged Structure
11.5. Frequency Dependent Data
11.5.1. The FREQ/PERD/HRTZ Data Record - Frequencies/Periods at which the Parameters are Defined
11.5.2. The DIRN Data Record - Directions at which the Parameters are Defined
11.5.3. The WAMS/WDMP Data Record - Wave Frequency Added Mass Matrix and Wave Frequency Damping Matrix
11.5.4. The AAMS/ADMP Data Record - Additional Added Mass/Damping Matrices
11.5.5. The WDGA/WDGD Data Record - Wave Frequency Diagonal Added Mass and Wave Frequency Diagonal Damping
11.5.6. The TDIF/RDIF/TFKV/RFKV/TRAO/RRAO Data Records - Wave Frequency Diffraction Forces and Responses
11.6. Frequency Independent Added Mass and Damping
11.6.1. The FIAM/FIDP Data Record - Frequency Independent Added Mass/Damping Matrices
11.6.2. The AIAM/AIDP Data Record - Additional Frequency Independent Added Mass/Damping Matrices
11.6.3. The FIDA/FIDD Data Record - Frequency Independent Diagonal Added Mass/Damping
11.6.4. The AIDA/AIDD Data Record - Additional Frequency Independent Diagonal Added Mass/Damping
11.7. Additional Structural Stiffness
11.7.1. The SSTF Data Record - Additional Structural Stiffness Matrix
11.7.2. The SPOS Data Record - Equilibrium Position
11.7.3. The SFRC Data Record - Force at Equilibrium Position
11.8. Free Trim Large Angle Stability Calculation
11.8.1. The LASB Data Record – Large Angle Stability Calculation Indicator
11.8.2. The LAAX Data Record – Large Angle Stability Rotation Axis
11.8.3. The LARG Data Record – Large Angle Stability Rotation Angle Group
11.8.4. The LACS Data Record – Large Angle Stability Case
11.8.5. The LALM Data Record – Large Angle Stability Calculation Iteration Parameters
12. Drift Force Coefficients - DRC* (Data Category 8)
12.1. General Description
12.2. Data Category Header
12.3. The FREQ/PERD/HRTZ Data Records - Frequencies/Periods at which the Drift Coefficients are defined
12.4. The DRFX/DRFY/DRRZ Data Records - Drift Force Coefficients
12.5. The CQTF Data Record - Import of QTF Database
13. Drift Motion Parameters - DRM* (Data Category 9)
13.1. General Description
13.2. Data Category Header
13.3. The DGAM Data Record - Diagonal Added Mass Matrix
13.4. The DGDP Data Record - Diagonal Damping Matrix
13.5. The LFAD Data Record - Use Lowest Wave Frequency Added Mass and Damping for Drift Frequency Analysis
13.6. The YRDP Data Record - Yaw-Rate Drag Parameters
13.7. The FIDA/FIDD Data Record - Frequency Independent Additional Diagonal Added Mass and Damping
13.8. The FIAM/FIDP Data Record - Frequency Independent Additional Added Mass/Damping Matrices
13.9. The FILE Data Record - Copy from File
13.10. The CSTR Data Record - Copy from Structure Number
14. Hull Drag Coefficients and Thruster Forces - HLD* (Data Category 10)
14.1. General Description
14.2. Data Category Header
14.3. The CUFX/CUFY/CURZ Data Record - Current Force Coefficients and the WIFX/WIFY/WIRZ Data Record - Wind Force Coefficients
14.4. The THRS Data Record - Thruster Forces
14.5. The NLRD/BOFF/BASE/BKRD Data Records - Nonlinear Roll Damping
14.6. The MDIN/MDSV Data Records - Morison Hull Drag
14.6.1. The MDIN Data Record
14.6.2. The MDSV Data Record
14.7. The IUFC/RUFC Data Records - External Forces
14.8. The DIRN Data Record - Directions at which the Drag Coefficients are Defined
14.9. SYMX and SYMY Data Records - X AND Y Symmetry
14.10. The DPOS Data Record - Position for Drag Calculation
14.11. The DDEP Data Record - Depth for Current Measurement
14.12. The QDRD Data Record - User-Defined Quadratic Roll Damping Coefficient
15. Current/Wind Parameters - ENVR (Data Category 11)
15.1. General Description
15.2. Data Category Header
15.3. CURR/WIND Data Records - Uniform Current/Wind Velocity
15.4. CPRF Data Record - Profiled Current Velocity
15.5. CDRN Data Record - Current Direction
15.6. The TOWS Data Record - Tether Tow Speed
15.7. The SBED Data Record - Seabed with Slope
16. Motion Constraints on Structures - CONS (Data Category 12)
16.1. General Description
16.2. Data Category Header
16.3. The DACF Data Record - Deactivate Freedom at the Center of Gravity
16.4. The DCON Data Record - Define Constraint Position
16.5. The KCON/CCON/FCON Data Records - Define Articulation Stiffness, Damping, and Friction
16.5.1. KCON and CCON Data Records
16.5.2. The FCON Data Record
17. Wind/Wave Spectrum Definition - SPEC (Data Category 13)
17.1. General Description
17.2. Data Category Header
17.3. Wind Spectra Definition
17.4. The HRTZ Data Record - Change Units of Frequency to Hertz
17.5. The RADS Data Record - Change Units of Frequency to Radians/Second
17.6. The SPDN Data Record - Wave Spectral Direction
17.7. The SEED Data Record - Wave Spectral Seed
17.8. The CURR / WIND Data Records - Current and Wind Speed and Direction
17.9. The PSMZ Data Record - Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum
17.10. The GAUS Data Record - Gaussian Spectrum
17.11. The JONS Data Record - JONSWAP Spectrum
17.12. The JONH Data Record - JONSWAP Spectrum
17.13. The OHBS Data Record – Ochi-Hubble Spectrum
17.14. The BRET Data Record – Bretschneider Spectrum
17.15. The TMAS Data Record - TMA Spectrum
17.16. The UDEF Data Record - User-Defined Wave Spectrum and the FINI Data Record - User-Defined Spectrum Separator
17.17. The NSPL Data Record - Number of Spectral Lines
17.18. Input of a Time History of Wind Speed and Direction
17.19. Input of a Time History of External Forces on Structures
17.20. The XSWL/GATP Data Records - Input of Cross Swell
17.20.1. The GATP Data Record - Use of Peak Period
17.20.2. Where Cross-Swell is Implemented
17.20.3. Where Cross-Swell is not Implemented
17.21. The IWHT Data Record - Import of Wave Height Time History
17.22. The SSDN/UDDS/SSWT Data Records - User-Defined Carpet Spectrum
17.23. The NAME Data Record - Spectrum Name
17.24. The NODR Data Record - No Drift Forces
17.25. The SPGR Data Record - Spectral Group Keyword
17.26. The SGNM Data Record - Spectral Group Name
17.27. The TOWS Data Record - Tether Tow Speed
17.28. The WRMP Data Record - Wave Ramp
18. Regular Wave (Aqwa-Naut) - WAVE (Data Category 13N)
18.1. General Description
18.2. Data Category Header
18.3. The WAMP Data Record - The Regular Wave Amplitude
18.4. The PERD Data Record - Regular Wave Period
18.5. The WDRN & WVDN Data Records - Wave Direction
18.6. The AIRY Data Record - Linear Wave
18.7. The WRMP Data Record - Wave Ramp
18.8. The STK5 Data Record – Stokes Fifth Order Wave
19. Mooring Lines and Attachment Points - MOOR (Data Category 14)
19.1. General Description
19.2. Data Category Header
19.3. The LINE/WNCH/FORC Data Records - Linear Cables
19.3.1. The LINE Data Record - A Conventional Linear Elastic Cable
19.3.2. The WNCH Data Record - A Winch Adjusted to Constant Tension
19.3.3. The FORC Data Record - Constant Force
19.4. The POLY Data Record - Polynomial Nonlinear Properties
19.5. The NLIN Data Record - Nonlinear Cables
19.5.1. Parameters Applied to a Polynomial (POLY) Mooring Line
19.5.2. Parameters Applied to a Composite Catenary (COMP/ECAT) Mooring Line
19.5.3. Parameters Applied to a Steel Wire (SWIR) Nonlinearity
19.6. The COMP/ECAT/SSCB Data Records - Composite Catenary Mooring Line
19.6.1. The COMP Data Record
19.6.2. The ECAT Data Record
19.6.3. The SSCB Data Record - Structure-Structure Composite Cable Database
19.7. The ECAX Data Record - Nonlinear Axial Stiffness Polynomial
19.8. The BUOY/CLMP Data Records - Intermediate Buoys and Clump Weights
19.9. Cable Dynamics - Additional Data Requirements
19.9.1. Introduction to Cable Dynamics
19.9.2. The NLID Data Record - Non-linear Dynamic Cable
19.9.3. The ECAH Data Record - Elastic Catenary Hydrodynamic Properties
19.9.4. The ECAB Data Record - Elastic Catenary Bending Stiffness
19.9.5. The NCEL Data Record - Number of Cable Elements
19.9.6. The DYNM/DOFF Data Records - Cable Dynamics ON/OFF Switch
19.9.7. The SBFC Data Record - Seabed Friction Coefficients
19.9.8. The SMUD Data Record - Seabed Mud Layer Depth
19.10. The LBRK Data Record - Mooring Line Break
19.11. The PULY Data Record - Linear Cables
19.12. The DWT0/LNDW/DWAL Data Records - Linear Drum Winches
19.12.1. The DWT0 Data Record
19.12.2. The LNDW Data Record
19.12.3. The DWAL Data Record - Drum Winch Additional Length
19.13. The FEND/FLIN Data Records - Fenders
19.13.1. The FEND Data Record - Fender properties
19.13.2. The FLIN Data Record - Fender connections
19.14. The LE2D/*RNG Data Records - 2-Dimensional Load Extension Database
19.14.1. The LE2D Data Record
19.14.2. The ZRNG/XRNG/HRNG/VRNG Data Records
19.15. The PRIC Data Record - Print Initial Condition of Mooring Lines
19.16. The FINI Data Record - Mooring Configuration Separator
19.17. The FILE Data Record - Mooring Description
19.18. The SWIR Data Record - Steel Wire Nonlinear Properties
19.19. Tether Additional Data Requirements
19.19.1. The TELM Data Record - Tether Element
19.19.2. The TSPA/TSPV Data Records - Tether Anchor and Vessel Springs
19.19.3. The TEIG Data Record - Tether Eigensolution
19.19.4. The TFAT Data Record - Tether Fatigue Parameters (Aqwa-Drift only)
19.19.5. The TPSH Data Record - Tether Peak Stress Hours (Aqwa-Drift only)
19.19.6. The TSLK Data Record - Tether Printing when Slack
19.19.7. The TEGR Data Record - Tether Group Factor
19.19.8. The TCAP Data Record - Tether End Cap Areas
19.19.9. The TIFL Data Record - Tether Internal Fluid Properties
19.19.10. The TIMP Data Record - Tether Impact Parameters
19.19.11. The TLOW Data Record - Tether Lower Stop Position
19.19.12. The TETH Data Record - Tether Vessel and Anchor/Trailing End Position
19.19.13. The TLAC/TROC/TLAV/TROV Data Records -Tether Constraint Data Records
19.19.14. The TECP/TSEG/TSGH Data Records - Composite Tether Configuration The TECP Data Record The TSEG Data Record The TSGH Data Record
19.20. The CBAZ Data Record - Number of Composite Cable Plane Azimuth Angles
20. Starting Conditions Definition - STRT (Data Category 15)
20.1. General Description
20.2. Data Category Header
20.3. The POS* Data Record - Starting Positions
20.4. The REA* Data Record - Initial Articulation Reactions
21. Starting Conditions Definition (Aqwa-Drift) - STRT (Data Category 15D)
21.1. General Description
21.1.1. Analysis Type - Drift only
21.1.2. Analysis Type - Drift + Wave Frequency (WFRQ on JOB data record)
21.2. Data Category Header
21.3. The POS* Data Record - Starting Positions
21.4. The VEL* Data Record - Starting Velocities
21.5. The SLP* Data Record - Slow Starting Positions
21.6. The SLV* Data Record - Slow Starting Velocities
22. Starting Conditions Definition (Aqwa-Naut) - STRT (Data Category 15N)
22.1. General Description
22.2. Data Category Header
22.3. The POS* Data Record - Starting Positions
22.4. The VEL* Data Record- Starting Velocities
23. Time Integration Parameters - TINT (Data Category 16)
23.1. General Description
23.2. Data Category Header
23.3. The TIME Data Record - Time Integration Parameters
23.4. The HOTS Data Record - For Hot-Start Run
24. Aqwa-Librium Iteration Parameters - LMTS (Data Category 16B)
24.1. General Description
24.2. Data Category Header
24.3. The MXNI - Maximum Number of Iterations
24.4. The MMVE Data Record - Maximum Movement Per Iteration
24.5. The MERR Data Record - Maximum Error Allowable for Equilibrium
24.6. The STRP Data Record - Output Stability Report
25. Change Geometric/Mass Characteristics - GMCH (Data Category 16L)
25.1. General Description
25.2. Data Category Header
25.3. The SCAL Data Record - Length Scale Factor
25.4. The MASS Data Record - Mass Scaling Parameter
25.5. The INER Data Record - New Inertia Values
25.6. The NCOG Data Record - New Center of Gravity
25.7. The REFP Data Record - New Hydrodynamic Reference Point
26. Hydrodynamic Parameters for Non-Diffracting Elements - HYDC (Data Category 17)
26.1. General Description
26.2. Data Category Header
26.3. The SC1/ Data Record - Scale Factor for Model Test Simulation
26.4. The DRGM/ADMM Data Record - Drag/Added Mass Multiplying Factor
26.5. The SLMM Data Record - Slam Multiplying Factor
27. Additional File Output - PROP (Data Category 18)
27.1. General Description
27.2. Data Category Header
27.3. The NODE Data Record - Nodal Position for Listing File Output
27.4. The ALLM Data Record - All Motions
27.5. The PCGP Data Record - Print Center of Gravity Parameters
27.6. The PREV Data Record - Print Every nth Timestep
27.7. The PRNT/NOPR Data Record - Print/No Print Parameters Values
27.8. The PTEN Data Record - Print Cable Tensions/Tether Forces
27.9. The WPON/WPOF Data Records - Print Wave Parameters ON/OFF
27.10. The ZRON/ZROF Data Records - Print Z Coordinate Relative to Wave Surface ON/OFF
27.11. The ZRWS Data Record - Print Z Coordinate Relative to Wave Surface
27.12. The PPRV Data Record - Print POS/DCP Every nth Timestep
27.13. The GREV Data Record - Graphics Output Every nth Timestep
27.14. The PRMD Data Record - Print Mooring Drag
27.15. The PMST Data Record - Print Mooring Section Tensions
27.16. The SSPC Data Record - Print Sub-Spectrum Response
27.17. Tether Additional Data Requirements
27.17.1. The TPRV Data Record - Tether Printing Interval
27.17.2. The TGRV Data Record - Tether Graphics/Statistics Interval
27.17.3. The TSTS/TSTF Data Record - Tether Start/Finish Timesteps for Statistics
27.17.4. The PTRT Data Record - Print Tether Nodal/Element Responses
27.17.5. The PTST Data Record - Print Statistics for Tether Nodal/Element Responses
27.18. The PRES Data Record – Element Load Output
27.19. The PRTD Data Record - Pressure Output Duration
28. Element and Nodal Loads - ENLD (Data Category 21)
28.1. General Description
28.2. Data Category Header
28.3. The ISEL and LSEL Data Records - Element/Nodal Load Record Selection
28.4. The RISR Data Record - Nodal Load Output for a Riser Structure
28.5. The TUBE Local Axes
29. Options for Use in Running Aqwa Programs
29.1. Command Line Options
29.2. Job Type Options
29.3. Program Options for Use in Aqwa Program Suite
29.3.1. Printing of the Expanded Input Data List for each Data Category
29.3.2. Printing Options for Output of Calculated Parameters
29.3.3. Administration and Calculation Options for the Aqwa Suite
30. External Force Calculation
30.1. Using a Compiled Dynamic Library
30.2. Example of Fortran Subroutine user_force
30.3. External Server for User-Defined Force Calculation
30.3.1. Using the Provided Python Module
30.3.2. Workflow
30.4. Conversion of Euler Angles to LSA