27.16. The SSPC Data Record - Print Sub-Spectrum Response

This printing option is applicable in Aqwa-Fer only.

This data record causes the RAOs and transfer function matrix for a specified sub-spectrum to be output in the .LIS and .PLT files as appropriate. The default is that the main sub-spectrum is used. The main sub-spectrum is the one that has the highest significant wave height.

      2   5  7   11
    - --- -- ---- -----
   |X|   |  |SSPC|     |
    - --- -- ---- -----
       |  |   |     |
       |  |   |     |_(1) Sub-Spectrum number (I5)
       |  |   |
       |  |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
       |  |
       |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
       |_Compulsory END on last data record in Data Category (A3)

(1) If this number is '0', blank or a number greater than the number of spectra in the group, the main sub-spectrum number of each wave spectral group is used.