10.8. The FILE Data Record - Copying Existing Hydrodynamic Parameters from an External File

This data record is used to define a file name from which the database is to be copied using a CPDB data record, or to change the file unit from which parameters are to be copied, using a FREQ/PERD/HRTZ or CPYS data record (see below). This file name or unit remains operative until another FILE data record is input.

See Database Import for examples showing the import of data from an existing Aqwa-Line database.

      2   5  7   11    16    21
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ---------
   |X|   |  |FILE|     |XXXXX|
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ---------
       |  |   |     |            |
       |  |   |     |            |_(2)Filename from which the database
       |  |   |     |                 is to be copied
       |  |   |     |
       |  |   |     |
       |  |   |     |_(1)(Optional) Number of file unit from which the
       |  |   |          frequency and associated parameters
       |  |   |          are to be copied(I5)
       |  |   |
       |  |   |_Compulsory data record keyword(A4)
       |  |
       |  |_Optional user identifier(A2)
       |_Compulsory END on last data record in data category(A3)

(1) This may be any of the numbers assigned to Aqwa scratch files. See Section 9 entitled “Running the Program” in each of the Aqwa program manuals, for the FORTRAN units which are valid on computer installations.

(2) This is a file name, usually a *.HYD file from a previous Aqwa-Line analysis, whose database is to be copied.

Note:  It is preferable to use option (2) in conjunction with the CSTR data record (The CSTR Data Record - Copying Existing Hydrodynamic Parameters for a Specific Structure Number) and the CPDB data record (The CPDB Data Record - Copy Existing Hydrodynamic Data Base). In this case, option (1), the file unit number, is not required.