4.1. The JOB Data Record

     1     5      11      17      23
     --- - ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ------------------
     --- - ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ------------------
      |     |       |       |       |
      |     |       |       |       |_(4)Aqwa Workbench JOB SHA1 Hash(A40) 
      |     |       |       |
      |     |       |       |_(3)Analysis Type(A4)
      |     |       |
      |     |       |_(2)Program Name(A4)
      |     |
      |     |_(1)User Defined Job Identifier(A4)
      |_Compulsory data record keyword(A3)

(1) The 4-letter code is for the convenience of the user and is not used by the program. If the user wishes to have the same title for several runs, the 4-letter character identifier (which should always be unique) enables the user to distinguish between these runs. This is particularly relevant when using the graphics, as this code is output on every plot.

(2) An abbreviation of the program name must be input to specify the overall data input format to be expected by the program. If left blank, or the incorrect name is input, the program will output an error message and abort after the preliminary data category has been read. The accepted abbreviations for the program names are as follows:

Aqwa-Drift = DRIF

Aqwa-Fer = FER

Aqwa-Line = LINE

Aqwa-Librium = LIBR

Aqwa-Naut = NAUT

(3) As all of the programs have two distinct types of analysis, the user may state which type of analysis is required for each run. If this field is left blank, then the default analysis type will be used. These defaults and the optional analysis types are as follows:

Aqwa-Line Default - Radiation/Diffraction analysis

Option 1 - FIXD - Structure fixed

Aqwa-Librium Default - Static AND dynamic stability

Option 1 - STAT - Static stability only

Option 2 -DYNA - Dynamic stability only

Aqwa-Drift Default - Drift frequency motions only

Option 1 - WFRQ - Drift frequency AND wave frequency motions

Aqwa-Fer Default - Drift frequency AND wave frequency motions

Option 1 - DRFT - Drift frequency motions only

Option 2 - WFRQ - Wave frequency motions only

Aqwa-Naut Default - Time history regular wave response

Option 1 - IRRE - Time history analysis in irregular waves. This applies to both diffracting structures (when convolution is used) and Morison structures. Note that in Aqwa-Naut, wave drift force is not included in either regular or irregular waves.

(4) The Aqwa Workbench project ID (SHA1 hash string), which is produced when the input data file is created by Aqwa Workbench. It is optional and consists of a string of 40 characters. During the solve, this hash value is output to the LIS and RES files. This field is used to link the results produced with the input solver DAT file to ensure consistency.