19.19.3. The TEIG Data Record - Tether Eigensolution

This data record should be input for all preliminary runs.

The TEIG data record request that an eigenvalue analysis of the tether at zero displacement from the TLA axis system should be performed.

      2   5  7   11    16
    - --- -- ---- -----
   |X|XXX|  |TEIG|     |
    - --- -- ---- -----
          |   |     |
          |   |     |
          |   |     |
          |   |     |_(1) Number of Modes (I5)
          |   |
          |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
          |_Optional User Identifier (A2)

(1) The number of modes to be output for the pre-processing eigensolution. The maximum number of modes available is 60.