6.7. The MSTR Data Record - Move Structure

This data record allows the definition position of a structure to be changed. If it is applied to a symmetric structure the symmetry is automatically removed. It only applies to elements above it in the ELM* data category, and therefore should be the last data record in the data category (before the FINI data record if used).

The MSTR data record only applies to elements. If a node has been defined to represent the connection point of a mooring line for example, and that node is not used on any elements, the node will not be moved with the structure. Consequently any such nodes must be defined in Data Category 1 in their final position.

The input format is as follows:

        5  7   11    16    21
  - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------
  - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------
     |   |  |                    |
     |   |  |                    |
     |   |  |                    |_ (4)Columns 21-80. Free format data to
     |   |  |                          define new position of structure.
     |   |  |
     |   |  |_(3)Mandatory data record keyword.
     |   |
     |   |_(2)Optional user data category identifier.
     |_(1)Compulsory END on Last Data Record in Data Category(A3)

(4) The new position of the structure is defined by giving a node number on the structure, the position to which it is to be moved and the yaw angle (degrees). The vessel is yawed about the specified node. Only X and Y positions and yaw can be given as the Z position is defined by the ZCGE or ZLWL data records and Aqwa-Line does not permit the model to be rotated in roll or pitch.

Note:  All the output from Aqwa-Line (RAOs, hydrodynamic force coefficients etc.) is in the FRA. This is still so if a structure is rotated using the MSTR data record, so, for example, motions about the X-axis may no longer correspond to roll of the vessel.