5.3. The Coordinate Data Record

      2   5  7   11    16    21        31     51        61        71
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------- --  -- --------- --------- -------
   |X|   |  |   4|     |     |  54.6   |  ... |         |         |       ...
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------- --  -- --------- --------- -------
   |X|END|  |  23|    3|   10|  54.6   |  ... |   4.5   |         |       ...
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------- --  -- --------- --------- -------
        |  |   |     |     |      |      | |       |          |         |
        |  |   |     |     |      |--------        |-----------------------
        |  |   |     |     |      |                |
        |  |   |     |     |      |                |
        |  |   |     |     |      |         (5)3 Coordinate Increments (3F10.0)
        |  |   |     |     |      |
        |  |   |     |     |      |_(4)3 Coordinates for Start Node (3F10.0)
        |  |   |     |     |
        |  |   |     |     |
        |  |   |     |     |_(3)Increment for Node Number(I5)
        |  |   |     |
        |  |   |     |_(2)Number of Nodes to be Generated(I5)
        |  |   |
        |  |   |_(1)Starting Node Number(I4)
        |  |
        |  |_Optional User Identifier(A2)
        |_Compulsory END on Last Data Record in data category (A3)

(1) This is the node number (N1) whose coordinate position is given by the values X, Y, Z (4).

(2) Leave blank (as in first data record shown above) if only 1 node is to be generated. A total of N2 nodes are generated automatically if this number (N2) is greater than 1. The Nth node is generated:

with a node number N1+ (N-1)N3

with coordinates X+(N-1)DX, Y+(N-1)DY, Z+(N-1)DZ

(3) Leave blank (as in first data record shown above) if only one node is to be generated. If this field is left blank when generating nodes, then a value of 1 is assumed for this Nodal Increment (N3).

(4) Coordinate Position (X,Y,Z) associated with node number N1 (1).

(5) Leave blank (as in first data record shown above) if only 1 node is to be generated. These 3 values are referred to as DX,DY,DZ in (2).