6.10. The ASYM Data Record - Axisymmetric Structure Generation

The ELM* data categories will now accept a new ASYM data record. This enables users to generate a structure whose elements are totally axi-symmetric by specifying line of nodes to define a 'profile' line.

  • A 4-fold symmetrical structure is generated in a special order and has the effect of switching on X and Y symmetry i.e. as if the SYMX and SYMY data records have been input in Data Category 2.

  • At this time only structures whose axi-symmetric axis is co-incident with the Z Fixed Reference Axis may be generated; in other words, generated nodes are rotated about this axis.

  • Any number of ASYM data records may be used within the normal restrictions of the maximum number of nodes and elements.

  • The maximum number of nodes in the profile line used in generating an axi-symmetric structure is 100.

  • The elements generated will not necessarily produce a mesh with no modeling errors. To a large extent this will depend on the exact geometry of the profile line specified by the user. Note that with 64-fold symmetry the aspect ratio of elements next to the axis cannot be reduced to less than about 1 in 10 and for 2-fold, 1 in 5. This however should not produce significant errors.

  • Aqwa-Line will automatically use a special N-fold symmetrical solution if all elements are generated by ASYM data records or the user inputs elements which obey the rule of axi-symmetrical element order. This special solution can be up to 2 orders of magnitude faster than even the 4-fold symmetrical solution. For a model with a TOTAL (in ALL quadrants) number of M diffracting elements and having X and Y symmetry, a structure will be solved as an N-fold (N=8,16,32,64) axi-symmetric structure automatically if the 1st set of M/N elements, when rotated by n*360/N degrees, produces the nth set of M/N elements within a tolerance of approximately (0.01m/0.03ft).

The input format is as follows:

        5  7          16    21
  - --- -- ---- - ---- ----- -------------------------
  X|XXX|01|ASYM|X|DIFF|    1|(32)(111)(217)XXXXXXXXXXX
  - --- -- ---- - ---- ----- -------------------------
        |  |       |      |   |    |    |
        |  |       |      |   |    |    |
        |  |       |      |   |    |    |_(7)Finish user node no.
        |  |       |      |   |    |         (MAX # nodes total = 100)
        |  |       |      |   |    |
        |  |       |      |   |    |_(6)Start user node no.
        |  |       |      |   |
        |  |       |      |   |_(5)No. of Axi-symmetric rotations 8,16,32,64
        |  |       |      |
        |  |       |      |_(4)Element Group Number
        |  |       |
        |  |       |
        |  |       |_(3)Diffracting - leave blank for non diffracting.
        |  |
        |  |_(2)Mandatory data record keyword.
        |_(1)Optional User Identifier

(3) The above example generates diffracting elements. Leave this field blank for non-diffracting elements or elements above the water line.

(4) The element group that will be used for all elements generated by this data record. If 0 or blank is input then the group number will start from 1 and for each set of elements generated along the axis the group number will increment by 1. i.e. groups 1-32 will be generated if 32 is the number of axi-symmetric rotations.

(5) No. of Axi-symmetric rotations to produce a full 360 degree description of the structure. This is restricted to 8,16,32 and 64.

(6/7) The start/finish user node numbers of the line of nodes to be rotated. This defines the 'profile' line. For example:

  • if the start node is 111

  • the finish node is 217

  • and 8 nodes (111,211,113,213,115,215,117,217) exist in the coordinate data category

Then the total M, number of elements = (8-1)*32 will be generated. As 4-fold symmetry is mandatory, 56 elements will be produced in 1 quadrant.

In general, if the profile line has NN nodes in the list and N-fold symmetry is specified then M=(NN-1)*N.

The maximum number of nodes in a profile line is 100.

The following are restrictions on the node coordinates defining the profile line. Failure to comply will produce a fatal error:

  • X coordinate must be positive (in other words,   0.0).

  • Adjacent nodes cannot both have zero X coordinates.

  • Y coordinates must be zero.

  • Distance between adjacent nodes must not be too small.

  • The profile line must not form a closed loop.