5.5. The STRC Data Record - Coordinate Structure Association

The STRC (structure) data record enables the use of totally independent sets of coordinates for each structure. In other words, the USER node numbers may be the same for 2 different structures but they will be treated as separate items. The STRC data item can also be utilized in the Material and Geometric property data categories; see note below.

Fixed nodes (referred to as Structure 0) must be defined in the nodes of the structure which is connected to them, for example:

  • Fixed nodes for mooring lines from Structure 1 to Structure 0 must be defined in the Structure 1 set of coordinates

  • A fixed node for an articulation connecting Structure 2 to Structure 0 must be defined in the Structure 2 set of coordinates.

  • Similarly for connections between other structures and Structure 0.

  • If the STRC data record is not used all user node numbers must be unique.

  • If the STRC data record is used in the COOR data category, then it may also be used in the MATE and GEOM data categories if the use of the same property number is required from different structures.

  • If the STRC data record is not used in the COOR Data Category, it cannot be used in the MATE(materials) and GEOM(geometry) Data Categories.

The structure number has to be in columns 16-20 as shown below:

        5  7          16    21
  - --- -- ---- ------ ----- ----
  - --- -- ---- ------ ----- ----
        |  |               |
        |  |               |
        |  |               |
        |  |               |_(3)Structure Number.
        |  |
        |  |_(2)Mandatory data record keyword.
        |_(1)Optional user data category identifier

(3) The structure number must start from 1 on the 1st data record and increment by 1 for each structure data record input. The number of ELM* data categories must correspond to the number of structure data records.