Chapter 4: The Preliminary Data (Data Category 0)

The function of this Data Category is to define the overall administration parameters of the analysis. This includes the type of analysis (JOB data record), various options (OPTIONS data record) controlling facilities, printing etc, and the definition of the stages of the analysis at which the user wishes to start and finish (RESTART data record).

The JOB data record defines the program and analysis type of the analysis that the user wishes to perform. It is also used to input a 4-letter user-defined identifier for a particular run. As Aqwa-Drift, Aqwa-Fer and Aqwa-Librium have two distinct types of analysis (drift and wave frequency for Aqwa-Drift/Fer and static and dynamic stability at drift frequency for Aqwa-Librium) the user is able to select which type of analysis to perform.

The TITLE data record is used simply to input a title for the program run. This is stored and output at various stages, including the graphical plotting, and the annotation of the results.

The OPTIONS data record enables the user to select additional optional facilities and to control the quantity of printing output by the analysis. Note that the OPTIONS relating to printing are supplemented by further options in Data Category 18 (printing options). The latter are used to control output where more detailed information is required to define its extent and format.

In order to minimize the computer costs, all programs in the Aqwa suite have the facility of stopping and starting at various stages of the analysis. These stages are referred to as Restart Stages and are specified using the RESTART data record.