27.8. The PTEN Data Record - Print Cable Tensions/Tether Forces

      2   5  7   11
    - --- -- ---- -----
   |X|   |  |PTEN|     |
    - --- -- ---- -----
       |  |   |     |
       |  |   |     |_(1) Structure Number (I5)
       |  |   |
       |  |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
       |  |
       |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
       |_Compulsory END on last data record in Data Category (A3)

(1) The structure number indicates that the tensions in all cables, catenaries, hawsers, and tethers attached to this defined structure are to be printed in the listing file (how often is governed by the PREV data record) and written to backing file for plotting in the AGS. If the structure number is omitted, mooring tensions are output for all structures.