11.8.3. The LARG Data Record – Large Angle Stability Rotation Angle Group

This data record defines a group of rotation angles, of which the structure rotates along the rotation axis during the large angle stability calculation.

      2   5  7   11    16    21         31         41         51         61         71          
     - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
    |X|   |  |LARG|     |     |          |          |          |          |          |          |     
     - --- ------------- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
          |   |     |     |       |          |           |          |         |          | 
          |   |     |     |       |          |           |---------------------------------- 
          |   |     |     |       |          |           | 
          |   |     |     |       |          |           |_(5)Special Individual Rotation Angles 
          |   |     |     |       |          |                                       (4E10.3) 
          |   |     |     |       |          | 
          |   |     |     |       |          |_(4)End Rotation Angle (E10.0)		 
          |   |     |     |       | 
          |   |     |     |       |_(3)Start Rotation Angle (E10.0) 
          |   |     |     |     
          |   |     |     |_(2)Number of Rotation Angles (I5) 
          |   |     | 
          |   |     |_(1)Rotation Angle Group Index (I5)                   
          |   | 
          |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4) 
          |_Optional User Identifier (A2) 


(1) is the rotation group index number which is used in the LACS data record. The default value is 0.

(2)-(4) define a sequence of rotation angles with constant angular increment. The angular increment value can be calculated by ((4)-(3))/((2)-1) when (2) is larger than 1.

Specifically, (2) is the total number of rotation angles from the start rotation angle set in (3) to the end rotation angle set in (4).

(3) is the start rotation angle, defined in degrees. The default value is 0.

(4) is the end rotation angle, defined in degrees. The default value is 0.

(5) refers to special individual rotation angles that can be added as additional angles to the rotation angle group in the case where the sequence of rotation angles defined by (2)-(4) does not include those angles. The default values are 0.

  • Several rotation LARG data records can be defined for each structure, but the total number of rotation angle groups must not exceed the total number of rotation axes defined in the LAAX data record.

  • If the number of rotation axes set by (2) and the angular range set by (3) and (4) are not consistent, the setting will be based on the rotation angle range set by (3) and (4).