4.5. The RESTART Data Record

Note:  If this data record is present a REST option must be present in the list of options on the OPTIONS data record (see The OPTIONS Data Record).

    1         9  12         21
    ------- - --- --- ------ -----------
    ------- - --- --- ------ -----------
       |       |   |          |
       |       |   |          |_(3)Optional. Name of database to be copied (without extension)
       |       |   |
       |       |   |_(2)Finish Stage, i.e. Finish at the End of this Stage (I1)
       |       |
       |       |_(1)Start stage, i.e. Start at the Beginning of this Stage (I1)
       |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword

(1) The start stage will depend on which stages have been previously run. Stages in the program may not be omitted. This means that the finish stage of the previous run must either be the previous stage or a later stage in the program analysis.

When errors are detected, the user may start the analysis again at any of the preceding stages before the error occurred. If the previous stage was correctly performed, the user instructs the program to execute the next stage, i.e. simply to continue the analysis.

Note that as no analysis is performed within Stage 3 (except for Aqwa-Line) a run starting and finishing at Stage 3 may be used, in conjunction with the PRDL option, to print out the contents of the restart file on the listing file. As the restart file is a binary file and cannot be printed out directly, this is very useful if there is some question as to the contents.

See Analysis Stages for a description and list of restart stages for each program.

(3) The program will automatically copy any relevant files with this name to use for the current run. This may be .RES, .EQP and/or .POS, depending on the program which is being run. For example, using the name ABTEST1 in the Aqwa-Fer data file AFTEST2.DAT will result in:

ABTEST1.RES being copied to AFTEST2.RES

ABTEST1.EQP being copied to AFTEST2.EQP.

Note that the RDEP option is still required to read the .EQP file that has been copied.

If an extension is used, for example ABTEST1.RES, only that one individual file will be copied.