3.1.4. Format Requirements

All Aqwa ascii input files will accept the following:

  • Comments starting in any column, but the 1st non-blank character must be one of * ! /

  • Blank lines

  • Upper or lower case

'Free format' files, i.e. those with values separated by commas or blanks, will also accept TAB characters.

In the descriptions of the data format for the Data Category Headers and Data Records, the following syntax is used to describe the type of data required, and how many characters are provided for each field:

  • An - Alphanumeric with n characters; e.g. A4

  • In - Integer (no decimal point) value with n digits; e.g. I5

  • Fx.y - Real number, with or without decimal point, with x digits in total, and y digits of precision after the decimal point. Can be provided in exponent format. The precision of the real number is at the user’s discretion, within the bounds of how many digits are available for that particular data item. E.g. F10.0

    Real number formats may have an optional preceding value that allows for repeating of that format. Thus 3F10.0 is for three values each with 10 digits.

    Note that for some data the F prefix may be replaced by E; e.g. 6E10.0 These two forms represent the same definition, but E is generally used where the magnitude of the numbers is expected to require exponent form.