5.6. The Coordinate Data Record with Offset

The OFFSET data record is in the following format:

         6        16      21        31        41
  - --- -- -------------- --------- --------- ---------
  O XXX 01 XXXXXXX   100      10.0      0.0       0.0
  - --- -- -------------- --------- --------- ---------
  |     |             |        |         |         |
  |     |             |        |         |         |_(6)Z offset (F10.0)
  |     |             |        |         |
  |     |             |        |         |_(5)Y offset (F10.0)
  |     |             |        |
  |     |             |        |_(4)X offset (F10.0)
  |     |             |
  |     |             |_(3)Node number increment (I5)
  |     |
  |     |_(2)Optional user data category identifier
  |_(1)Compulsory data record keyword (A1) NB:O = Absolute offset o=relative

(1) Note that upper case 'O' will define an absolute offset and lower case 'o' will define a relative offset. All node coordinates input after this data record will be generated offset by these 3 values.

For example, if the nodes for 3 identical legs along the X axis, 30m apart, with the 1st leg at X = 5.0 are defined, then the 2 absolute X offset data records input just before the node coordinate for legs 2 and 3 would be 35.0,65.0. The 2 relative X offsets would be 30.0,30.0, as the default offset is zero.

Note:  If a STRC data record (The STRC Data Record - Coordinate Structure Association) is input, the OFFSET will automatically be re-set to zero.