19.17. The FILE Data Record - Mooring Description

The FILE data record allows the user to specify that a data set normally input in Data Category 14 should be read from a file. This is particularly useful in parametric studies where the user may have some 100 data files to test a particular mooring configuration. This might include Aqwa-Drift/Fer/ Librium runs. If the effect of changing, say, the chain size is required for all 100 runs, then a single change can be made to 1 file, and the runs performed again.

The FILE data record specifies that normal mooring line (Data Category 14) data is to be read from another file, e.g. AQCONF1.MOR (the extension MOR is recommended). The file AQCONF1.MOR will contain data in identical format to the input in Data Category 14. When all the data in AQCONF1.MOR is read the program will revert to reading from the .DAT file.

All programs which accept data from Data Category 14 can use the FILE data record.

The format of the FILE data record is as follows:

       2   5  7   11         21
     - --- -- ---- ---------- -------------------
     X|   |  |FILE|XXXXXXXXXX|
     - --- -- ---- ---------- -------------------
               |                   |
               |                   |
               |                   |_(1)Name of the file containing mooring data
               |_FILE Data Record Keyword

(1) The name can include the path of the file. If no path is specified, the local directory will be assumed.