6.12. The ZLWL Data Record - Waterline Height

This data record allows the waterline height on a structure to be defined for an Aqwa-Line analysis. It can be thought of as the position of a line painted on the side of the structure. The hydrodynamic coefficients are calculated with the waterline at the specified position. Note that this data record does not change the definition position of the structure. In this respect the ZLWL data record is similar to the ZCGE data record in Data Category 7; indeed the two are related by ZLWL + ZCGE = CGPOS, where CGPOS is the position of the center of gravity when the structure is in the definition position.

The input format is as follows:

        5  7   11    16    21
  - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------
  - --- -- ---- ----- ----- --------
     |   |  |                    |
     |   |  |                    |
     |   |  |                    |_ (4)Columns 21-80. Free format data to
     |   |  |                          define waterline height.
     |   |  |
     |   |  |_(3)Mandatory data record keyword.
     |   |
     |   |_(2)Optional User Identifier.
     |_(1)Compulsory END on Last Data Record in Data Category(A3)

(4) The position of the waterline is defined in the same axes as used to define the nodes in Data Category 1.


  • If a ZLWL data record is used, the ZCGE data record in Data Category 7 is no longer required. An error message will be issued if a ZCGE data record is present and is not consistent with the ZLWL data record.

  • If the ZCGE and ZLWL data records are both absent, the definition position based on the nodes in Data Category 1 will be used.

  • This position is NOT USED as the starting position for an analysis using Aqwa-Librium, Fer, Drift or Naut. This must be specified in Data Category 15 or by using the RDEP option (see Administration and Calculation Options for the Aqwa Suite).