27.17.4. The PTRT Data Record - Print Tether Nodal/Element Responses

   2   5  7        16
 - --- -- ---- ---- ----
|X|   |  |PTRT|XXXX|    |
 - --- -- ---- ---- ----
    |  |   |         |
    |  |   |         |_(1) Tether Number (I5)
    |  |   |
    |  |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
    |  |
    |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
    |_Compulsory END on last data record in data category (A3)   

(1) The tether number designates the nodal motions, nodal/element force response along the defined tether to be printed in the listing file and written to the backing file for plotting in AGS. If the tether number is omitted, the results are output for all tethers.

Note:  It is recommended to avoid using this data record for limiting the size of the graphic files with the extension names, .PLT and .PLD. The relevant tether data are stored in the .TET file and can be accessed by AqwaReader.exe. See AqwaReader Manual for more information.