19.13.2. The FLIN Data Record - Fender connections

      2   5  7   11    16    21    26    31    36    41    46    51    55
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------------
   |X|   |  |FLIN|     |XXXXX|     |     |     |XXXXX|     |     |     |
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------------
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |     |     |
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |     |     |
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |     |     |_(8) Node Number (I5)
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |     |
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |     |_(7) Node Number (I5)
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |           |_(6) Structure Number (I5)
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |
       |  |   |     |           |     |     |_(5) Node Number (I5)
       |  |   |     |           |     |
       |  |   |     |           |     |_(4) Node Number (I5)
       |  |   |     |           |
       |  |   |     |           |_(3) Structure Number (I5)
       |  |   |     |
       |  |   |     |_(2) Type (I5)
       |  |   |
       |  |   |_(1) Fender Mooring Code (A4)
       |  |
       |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
       |_Compulsory END on last data record in Data Category (A3)

When an FLIN data record is input, the program assumes that the nonlinear properties correspond to those specified by the most recently input nonlinear properties (POLY and FEND) data records. Failure to input these properties before a FLIN data record means that they are undefined and will result in an error. Note that one nonlinear properties data record may apply to several FLIN data records. This not only avoids repeating the same properties for several similar fenders, but also enables the user to make a single change to apply to all those properties.

Parameters on the FLIN data record are:

(1) Mooring line code FLIN indicates a fender whose properties are specified by the preceding POLY and FEND nonlinear properties data records.

(2) Fender type 1 is a fixed fender, type 2 is a floating fender.

(3) The number of the structure to which the fender is attached. A fixed fender is fixed to a specified node on this structure. A floating fender is associated with a specified node on this structure.

(4) The 1st node on structure 1 which the fender is fixed to or associated with. For a fixed fender this is the contact point on structure 1.

(5) 2nd node on structure 1 which defines the direction of the normal to the contact plane on structure 1. The direction from node 1 to node 2 points outwards from the structure, through the fender. For a fixed fender this node is optional for structure 1; if omitted the fender will act uniformly in every direction. This node is mandatory for a floating fender.

(6) The number of the structure that the fender will make contact with.

(7)-(8) Two nodes on structure 2 which define the contact plane. The plane passes through node 1 with its normal in the direction from node 1 to node 2. As for structure 1, the direction from node 1 to node 2 points outwards from the structure, through the fender.