19.19.4. The TFAT Data Record - Tether Fatigue Parameters (Aqwa-Drift only)

This data record may be omitted, in which case the default values shown below will be used.

      2   5  7   11          31         41         51         61
    - --- -- ----    ...      ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   |X|XXX|  |TFAT|           |          |          |          |          |
    - --- -- ----    ...      ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          |   |                   |          |         |            |
          |   |                   |---------------------------------
          |   |                   |
          |   |                   |_(1) 4 Fatigue parameters( 4E10.0)
          |   |
          |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
          |_Optional User Identifier (A2)

(1) The four fatigue parameters are:

  1. Reserved (leave blank)

  2. Stress concentration factor (default value 1.24)

  3. SN Curve intercept coefficient (default value 1.3367E24)  (Units are consistent with stress in kN/m2)

  4. SN Curve slope m (default value 3.5)

Fatigue life (days) = 1/(damage per day)

The formula used to calculate the fatigue life is


R(i) = stress range (computed from rainflow count of time history stresses)

N(i) = number of cycles per day for this stress range (from probability distribution by rainflow count)

SCF = stress concentration factor

m = SN curve slope

A = SN curve intercept coefficient

NBIN = number of bins in the stress probability distribution