19.19.1. The TELM Data Record - Tether Element

The composite tether configuration approach consisting of TECP/TSEG/TSGH data records is recommended to model tethers.

The maximum number of tether elements for a single tether is 24 if using the TELM configuration approach.

Tether elements must be contiguous; on all but the first TELM data record, the first node input must be the same as the second node of the previous TELM data record.

   2   5  7   11    16    21    26
 - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- -----
|X|   |  |TELM|     |     |     |     |
 - --- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- -----
    |  |   |     |     |     |     |
    |  |   |     |     |     |     |
    |  |   |     |     |     |     |
    |  |   |     |     |     |     |
    |  |   |     |     |     |     |_(4) Geometric Group Number (I5)
    |  |   |     |     |     |
    |  |   |     |     |     |_(3) Material Group Number (I5)
    |  |   |     |     |
    |  |   |     |     |_(2) Node Number 2 (I5)
    |  |   |     |
    |  |   |     |_(1) Node Number 1 (I5)
    |  |   |
    |  |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
    |  |
    |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
    |_Compulsory END on last data record in data category (A3)

(1)-(2) These are the nodes input in Data Category 1 and define the length of the tether element only. The first element is considered to have Node 1 attached to the anchor, for installed tethers. It is the trailing node for towed tethers.

(3) The material group number (input in Data Category 3) for this element. There are two parameters input for the material properties of tether elements. These are density and Young's Modulus of elasticity, i.e.

      2   5  7        16    21         31
    - --- -- --------- ----- ---------- ----------
   |X|   |  |XXXXXXXXX|     |          |          |
    - --- -- --------- ----- ---------- ----------
          |              |       |           |
          |              |       |           |
          |              |       |           |_(3) Young's Modulus (E10.0)
          |              |       |
          |              |       |
          |              |       |_(2) Material Density or Mass (E10.0)
          |              |
          |              |
          |              |_(1) Material Group Number (I5)
          |_Optional User Identifier (A2)

(4) The Geometric Group for this element. Geometric properties for tether elements are the same as for TUBE elements, except that tether elements cannot be free flooding or have end cuts, i.e. they have diameter, wall thickness, drag and added mass coefficients specified.