17.25. The SPGR Data Record - Spectral Group Keyword

This data record signifies that the following spectra, until the next SPGR data record, form one spectral group.

      2   5  7   11    16   21       31
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- -------- --
    - --- -- ---- ----- ----- -------- --
       |  |   |     |
       |  |   |     |_(2) No other data is required (I5)
       |  |   |
       |  |   |_(1) Compulsory Data Record Keyword(A4)
       |  |
       |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
       |_Compulsory END on last data record in Data Category (A3)


  1. Program applicability:

    • Aqwa-Line - the SPGR card is recognized, but there can be only one spectral group containing only one spectrum.

    • Aqwa-Librium - up to 20 spectral groups.

    • Aqwa-Fer - up to 20 spectral groups.

    • Aqwa-Drift - only one spectral group is allowed.

    • Aqwa-Naut - only one spectral group is allowed.

  2. The overall maximum total number of spectra in all groups is 20.

  3. In the following sections the term sub-spectrum is used.

    A user-defined 2D (carpet) spectrum is a single spectrum, but it may consist of up to 41 sub-spectra.

    A spectrum with a spreading function is modeled in Aqwa with a series of sub-spectra at Gauss integration points, the number of which is defined by the SPDN data record.

    A spectrum with cross-swell contains 2 sub-spectra.

  4. A spectral group may contain up to 20 spectra, subject to the overall limit above. Therefore, if a group contains 20 spectra, there can be only one group. The spectra can be any of the available types, i.e. JONSWAP, Pierson-Moskowitz, Gaussian, user-defined or imported using the IWHT data record.

  5. There may be up to 5 IWHT data records, but these must all be in the same spectral group. Within a group they must be listed consecutively and the list terminated with a FINI data record.

  6. A spectral group may contain up to 41 sub-spectra in total.

  7. A spectral group may contain only one definition of wind and/or current.

  8. If there is no wind or current defined in a spectral group, the values will be taken from the last WIND or CURR data record read. This is consistent with behavior in earlier versions of Aqwa.

An example of a spectral group definition is shown below. This group contains a wind spectrum, a current, a JONSWAP spectrum and a user-defined spectrum. It also makes use of both spectrum and group names.

       SGNM             Example of Spectral Group definition
       WIND              12.000    126.00      13.0
       CURR               1.000     30.00
       SPDN                20.0
       NAME             Spectrum 1 - JONSWAP
       JONH                 0.2       1.5       2.0   1.00000       0.6
       SPDN              -135.0
       NAME             Spectrum 2 - simple user-defined spectrum
       UDEF               0.100     0.000
       UDEF               0.300     2.000
       UDEF               0.700     2.000
       UDEF               0.900     0.000
       SPGR  (Next Group begins)