17.7. The SEED Data Record - Wave Spectral Seed

This data record is used to define the random seed for a wave spectrum. It must be before the spectrum to which it applies. Default seed values are defined below.

      2   5  7   11        21
    - --- -- ---- ---------
   |X|   |  |SEED|         |
    - --- -- ---- ---------
                   |_(1)Seed number n (I10)

Within a spectral group, the default values of SEED for each spectrum will be:

  • If there is no SEED data record or the SEED number is set to 0:

    where I represents the i-th spectrum.

  • If a SEED data record is used for some but not all of the spectra:


    N_SEED is the number of SEED data records defined in this group
    J ranges from 1 to the number of spectra which do not have a SEED data record

  • The seed number of a Gaussian integral wave direction of spread seas:


    I_SEED is the starting seed number of the spread seas
    J ranges from 1 to the number of Gaussian integral points

  • The seed number of a sub-direction of a user-defined carpet wave spectrum:


    I_SEED is the starting seed number of the user-defined carpet wave spectrum
    J ranges from 1 to the total number of user-defined wave sub-directions