24.3. The MXNI - Maximum Number of Iterations

      2   5  7         16
    - --- -- ---- ----- -----
   |X|   |  |MXNI|XXXXX|     |
    - --- -- ---- ----- -----
       |  |   |           |
       |  |   |           |_(1) Maximum Number of Iterations in Search of Equilibrium (Default 100)
       |  |   |                
       |  |   |
       |  |   |_Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
       |  |
       |  |
       |  |_Optional User Identifier (A2)
       |_Compulsory END on last data record in Data Category (A3)

(1) If the user does not specify the maximum number of iterations, then the default value of 100 is used.