1.4. Units

The units used in Aqwa are decided by the input values for the water density and gravitational acceleration. For example, if metre, Newton are to be used as the units for the length and force, users should use 1025 for the water density and 9.806 for the gravitational acceleration.

In the output, the unit for the rotational motions is in degrees (although they are originally calculated in radians), while the rotational terms in the stiffness and damping matrices are output in radians.

The user is free to choose any system of units for the data, with the proviso that the system must be consistent. This means that the unit of mass must be consistent with the units of length and force already selected.

Examples of consistent sets of units are:

  • SI units: force in Newtons, length in meters, mass in kilograms, time in seconds, acceleration in meters/sec2

  • Imperial units: force in poundals, length in feet, mass in pounds, time in seconds, acceleration in feet/sec2, or force in pounds, length in feet, mass in slugs, time in seconds, acceleration in feet/sec2

  • For any other set of units, the consistent unit of mass will be a multiple of the basic unit of mass because it is a derived unit.

The consistent unit of mass is obtained by dividing the unit of force by the acceleration due to gravity, which itself has units of length divided by time squared. A change in the unit of length, for example, from feet to inches or metres to millimeters, requires a corresponding change in the unit of mass used for calculating the density. A list of sets of consistent units is given below.

Force Length Value of E for steel Acceleration due to gravity Unit of mass Density (mass/volume)
Steel Seawater
NewtonMeter2.1 x 1011 9.811.0 kg78501025
NewtonCentimeter2.1 x 107 981100 kg7.85 x 10-5 1.025 x 10-5
NewtonMillimeter2.1 x 105 98101000 kg7.85 x 10-9 1.025 x 10-9
KilopondMeter2.14 x 1010 9.819.81 kg800104.5
KilopondCentimeter2.14 x 106 981981 kg8.00 x 10-6 1.045 x 10-6
KilopondMillimeter2.14 x 104 98109810 kg8.00 x 10-10 1.045 x 10-10
KilonewtonMeter2.1 x 108 9.811000 kg7.851.025
KilonewtonCentimeter2.1 x 104 9811.0 x 105 kg7.85 x 10-8 1.025 x 10-8
KilonewtonMillimeter2.1 x 102 98101.0 x 106 kg7.85 x 10-12 1.025 x 10-12
TonneMeter2.14 x 107 9.819.81 x 103 kg0.8000.1045
TonneCentimeter2.14 x 103 9819.81 x 105 kg8.0 x 10-9 1.045 x 10-9
TonneMillimeter2.14 x 101 98109.81 x 106 kg8.0 x 10-13 1.045 x 10-13
PoundalFoot1.39 x 1011 32.21.0 lb49164.1
PoundalInch9.66 x 108 38612 lb2.37 x 10-2 3.095 x 10-3
PoundFoot4.32 x 109 32.232.2 lb15.21.985
PoundInch3.0 x 107 386386 lb7.35 x 10-4 9.597 x 10-5
KipFoot4.32 x 106 32.23.22 x 104 1.52 x 10-2 1.985 x 10-3
KipInch3.0 x 104 3863.86 x 105 7.35 x 10-7 9.597 x 10-8
TonFoot1.93 x 106 32.27.21 x 104 6.81 x 10-3 8.892 x 10-4
TonInch1.34 x 104 3868.66 x 105 3.28 x 10-7 4.283 x 10-8


1 kip = 1000 pounds force
1 kilopond = 1 kilogram force
All times are in seconds
Specific gravity of steel = 7.85
Specific gravity of sea water = 1.025